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15 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

The Colour of Money. 8/10

Paul Newman was such a good actor.

You really would  punch the fuck out of Tom Cruise if he acted like that around a pool table 

Enjoyable watch.

The Road to Perdition is a criminally underrated film and Newman's performance is too.

He and his wife were supposed great people with little actual cash as they gave it away to good causes and promoted young actors projects such as films and plays.

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8 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

The Road to Perdition is a criminally underrated film and Newman's performance is too.

He and his wife were supposed great people with little actual cash as they gave it away to good causes and promoted young actors projects such as films and plays.

One of my favourite films that. Great performance as you say.

Struggled with his good looks as well according to his Daughter. I know the feeling!

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13 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

The Road to Perdition is a criminally underrated film and Newman's performance is too.

He and his wife were supposed great people with little actual cash as they gave it away to good causes and promoted young actors projects such as films and plays.


He was apparently worth 80 million when he died.

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34 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Property? Investments? 


 It was all in popcorn.


I looked at the interweb because I seem to recall there was some legal dispute between his daughters and one of his charities.


He set up charity foundations and Newman's Own but he and the wife were not exactly paupers. Maybe it was like the Queen, who also didn't have much cash around.



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The People vs Larry Flint 


Woody Harrelson at his best here. True story of the creator of Hustler who had on-going court battles over the content of his porn mag. Plenty of tits. Courtney Love is very good in it as well. I was gutted to read on Wikipedia that Larry Flint was accused of incest by his daughter and also put support behind one of his cartoonists who went to jail for sleeping with his daughter. Clearly a sick fucker in real life. Brilliant film though, some of the court scenes when he's los9ing his marbles are hilarious. 8/10 

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43 minutes ago, SasaS said:


 It was all in popcorn.



I looked at the interweb because I seem to recall there was some legal dispute between his daughters and one of his charities.


He set up charity foundations and Newman's Own but he and the wife were not exactly paupers. Maybe it was like the Queen, who also didn't have much cash around.




Hang on, you can look for the answers to simple questions online rather than ask on here?


Well I never.

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23 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

The People vs Larry Flint 


Woody Harrelson at his best here. True story of the creator of Hustler who had on-going court battles over the content of his porn mag. Plenty of tits. Courtney Love is very good in it as well. I was gutted to read on Wikipedia that Larry Flint was accused of incest by his daughter and also put support behind one of his cartoonists who went to jail for sleeping with his daughter. Clearly a sick fucker in real life. Brilliant film though, some of the court scenes when he's los9ing his marbles are hilarious. 8/10 

Lost his virginity to a chicken. Colonel Sanders motherfucker.

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