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dave u

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dave u last won the day on April 12

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  • Birthday 28/06/1973

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  1. I know what you mean and I kind of agree, but I think when you're lower down the totem pole you can say things that someone in Klopp's position can't. Calling him a cunt twice is kind of unprecedented though! Now we know why he hardly did any interviews in all the years he was here!
  2. You say City have strengthened but they've signed a winger most of us have never heard of and there's strong suggestions that De Bruyne and Ederson are off. You think that makes them stronger?
  3. It seems like virtually the whole of Argentina sees it differently. I read something about a government minister speaking out against it and the backlash was so bad they resigned the next day. I also saw when Enzo went back to River Plate and was introduced on the pitch, the entire stadium was singing that song in solidarity with him. It's kind of like how Mac Allister described it. In Europe most of us are like "nah, that's racist, you can't be singing that shit" while in South America (specifically Argentina in this case) they're scratching their heads wondering what the fuss is all about. Maybe if there were some black Argentinians left they could explain it to the rest of them, but apparently they've all gone to live in other countries (can't think why!) It definitely needs explaining to them, because Enzo thought it was ok to video himself singing it and live stream it to the world! If he thought he was being racist he wouldn't have done that and brought down this shitstorm on himself. That Chelsea dressing room might be fractured beyond repair, as the French lads in there (plus others I would guess) are rightly going to have a big problem with him, and a comic sans apology isn't going to pacify them.
  4. Ok I'll bite. Other than City and Arsenal who do you think will be better than us and why?
  5. Kept referring to him as "my club manager" as it was very much an England based interview.
  6. 1st, because Nunez is hitting 25 league goals and Van Dijk is going to be POTY. Hopefully that will be enough but I don't feel especially bullish about it. The CL might take a lot of out of us and the squad will need to be managed smartly. I'm more worried about Arsenal than City this season, but worst case scenario for us is third. I don't see anyone else capable of finishing above us.
  7. I'm always sceptical over stuff like that. Who was polled? Was it put to an actual vote or is it a small sample size used? No doubt Germany has its racist dickheads, as does everywhere else, but I'd be surprised if any of them were playing in multicultural German youth footy teams and throwing the 'N' word around at opposing players. If we were playing an Eastern European side or even a Spanish one, places where this kind of thing has happened too frequently, I'd be less likely to be giving the benefit of the doubt.
  8. None of that is relevant though. Not unless people want us to match what United are throwing at him. I agree that the reaction is way worse because we haven't signed anyone, but throwing toys out of the pram over a kid who wouldn't even be playing is ridiculous.
  9. Seem to remember a similar meltdown about the throw in coach too.
  10. Most dispensable? Was that a typo? Letting him leave on a free would be the biggest fuck up I can remember. Way worse than McManaman or Owen leaving. We do need more from him and he needs a settled, defined role again. But he's an incredible footballer.
  11. Yeah that's an interesting point, becayse he was slow as shit when he got those first team chances. It was the main reason I didn't think he had a chance. A few years later I'm reading that he's clocked the fastest speed of any defender in Germany. Now I just want him gone because I don't like how he's run his mouth (more than once) and his miserable gob on the Inside Training videos annoys me.
  12. There will be when Edwards and Hughes finally bother their arses to actually fucking do something. Anything.
  13. I stand with Code on this one.
  14. Him and that Plettigoal fella, total spoofers.
  15. We didn't see it enough, but he was fucking brilliant. The peak was probably the two back to back games against City and United when he put in performances that were as good as any I've seen from a midfielder not named Gerrard. The thing I love about him was how he completely bought into what Klopp wanted and worked on his running, pressing and tackling to be the player we needed. Unfortunately that probably didn't help with the fitness, but I appreciated how he didn't think he was "too big of a star" to get down and dirty.
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