He’s fucking ruined Twitter hasn’t he? There’s an argument he’s torched it as a mass participation platform and therefore he’s probably burned the $44bn he spent on it, but it got him on the inside track with the incoming president so it was worth it. I can see social media fragmenting, with Twitter (sorry, “X” - a terrible name and an even fucking worse logo) becoming the home of the right and anyone tired of their bullshit finding another home.
Still though. Against my better judgement I sometimes go to the “for you” tab and there he ALWAYS is, right at the top, making sure everyone sees his musings, which are absolutely fucking mental. And again, against better judgement when you click on them all the blue tick accounts agreeing with him and fluffing him are right up there at the top.
Is it not a huge red flag for the world? Aside from the moral implications of it being commandeered by the far right to radicalise the moderate right and centre, it’s fucking crazy that this mass participation social media platform has effectively been rebuilt to massage the ego of one incredibly rich man. Which just underlines the amount of power that money is starting to buy individuals, and Musk is just about the worst cunt to give any sort of power to. Thin-skinned, desperate to be fawned over and immature (someone pointed out to me the other day that he’s naming Teslas Models S, 3, X and Y to spell something, heh heh heh, what a fucking comedian - thank fuck Jaguar told him to fuck off with Model E I guess).
I think I probably despise him more than just about anyone else around, jointly with his enabling lickspittles. Time to delete the app, I think.