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Manny last won the day on March 9 2022

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  • Birthday 08/05/1985

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  1. Just remembered that Arsenal keep paying and playing a rapist, and Chelsea had a player sing a load of racist songs at the direction of one of his teammates and did nothing - in fact made him fucking captain. Cunt clubs that need beating.
  2. Something Chelsea and Arsenal have that we lack - and I fucking hate them both for it: England goldenboy “heir to Beckham” types up front. Loads of penalties, loads of cheap free kicks. Can see why Guardiola bomber Palmer out to be honest. He’s good, but by fuck he rates himself. Helps when you get a dozen penalties a season to help you get lots of opportunities to trademark your celebration and cunt nickname, like.
  3. The thing is, as shit as it is, what’s the point in turning the other cheek and setting a noble example? That assumes two things which are absolutely refutable: That it demonstrates commitment to the rule of law and positions you firmly on the moral high ground. Well, they’ve been on the moral high ground for four years now, if not eight, and whilst you can argue it’s because they’ve not made enough of that fact, it’s made fuck all difference with a vast swathe of the electorate. A massive number of Americans don’t care that Biden’s opponent is crooked as fuck, as long as he gives them cheap gas and/or carries out their vendetta against brown people, they’ll back him. Biden feeding his son to the wolves won’t make a blind bit of difference. That it would set some sort of standard or example for your opponent to follow. Yeah right. Like Trump would have some sort of road to Damascus moment seeing Biden forgo the opportunity to pardon his son and think “I’ll mend my ways.” Will he fuck. He’ll do what he always does and so will his disgusting enabling party. Pardons for anyone it’s expedient to pardon, vengeance on anyone who’s wronged him. He pardoned Kushner’s bent dad at the end of his last office and now given him a cushy job on the Elysee as ambassador to France for fucks sake. For what it’s worth I think it’s wrong, but I get it from a nihilistic perspective and from a fatherly perspective. As someone pointed out on BS, the Republicans would probably hammer Hunter until he probably topped himself so maybe he’s saving his son’s life. The US Christian right should appreciate the prodigal son element here, but I suspect they won’t.
  4. His dad clapping along and encouraging it, the massive fucking apartheid-supporting cunt.
  5. How the fuck do they keep getting away with their Stokeian set piece routines? They’re smelling Gabriel as the “best goal scoring defender in the world” but is anyone going to talk about how Paqueta could probably have cleared their opener at the near post were it not for Timber taking a 5 yard run into his back, not jumping and making no attempt to play the ball? Lopetegui is a bellend but he’s got a point about that, like.
  6. It’s mad because I read that article about feeling unloved by Liverpool. And in fairness he’s not seemingly pitying himself, more realising he’s made his bed and has to lie in it. After reading it I felt a little bad for him, being honest (especially as his goals are such a cornerstone of my happy teenage memories following the team). Two days later he tweets that shit. I almost have to tip my hat at the sheer wilful blindness at play.
  7. Honestly, how little self respect do you need to work for two super wealthy cunts to help them rip away employment from thousands, and not even so much as get a cent from their endless piles of wealth? Pathetic fucking worms.
  8. He’s fucking ruined Twitter hasn’t he? There’s an argument he’s torched it as a mass participation platform and therefore he’s probably burned the $44bn he spent on it, but it got him on the inside track with the incoming president so it was worth it. I can see social media fragmenting, with Twitter (sorry, “X” - a terrible name and an even fucking worse logo) becoming the home of the right and anyone tired of their bullshit finding another home. Still though. Against my better judgement I sometimes go to the “for you” tab and there he ALWAYS is, right at the top, making sure everyone sees his musings, which are absolutely fucking mental. And again, against better judgement when you click on them all the blue tick accounts agreeing with him and fluffing him are right up there at the top. Is it not a huge red flag for the world? Aside from the moral implications of it being commandeered by the far right to radicalise the moderate right and centre, it’s fucking crazy that this mass participation social media platform has effectively been rebuilt to massage the ego of one incredibly rich man. Which just underlines the amount of power that money is starting to buy individuals, and Musk is just about the worst cunt to give any sort of power to. Thin-skinned, desperate to be fawned over and immature (someone pointed out to me the other day that he’s naming Teslas Models S, 3, X and Y to spell something, heh heh heh, what a fucking comedian - thank fuck Jaguar told him to fuck off with Model E I guess). I think I probably despise him more than just about anyone else around, jointly with his enabling lickspittles. Time to delete the app, I think.
  9. RFK jr as health secretary. Buckle up for another escalation of the vaccine discourse.
  10. Not sure of the maths on that. He’s worth $304bn currently according to Forbes, so the remaining $12bn divided amongst the 8bn people in the world wouldn’t go very far. He could near enough afford to give every American $1,000 each, though.
  11. Still pushing himself as the Trump whisperer I see, the cunt.
  12. Petrol was cheaper still under Eisenhower but I don’t see any of these morons suggesting we dig his corpse up and make it president, which is a shame as it’d most likely do a better job than the incoming radioactive fat ball. Let them all clap like seals as Musk dismantles apparatus to enrich himself even more. It’s not their jobs that are affected. Yet. Wait til Musk recommends ripping up what scant labour laws there are in order to enable greater “efficiency.” Give the hard working American people a fair deal from these federal employee fat cats. Look at the state of this simpleton cunt and his level of intellect and humour. Imagine thinking he’s some sort of genius.
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