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VladimirIlyich last won the day on March 4 2023

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About VladimirIlyich

  • Birthday 17/12/1966

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    Yer Ma'
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  1. Dessert Porn. That looks gorgeous. I remember getting those from sayers years ago. They were lovely.
  2. Current 'a' less as well. With 'l' a bit late too.
  3. We havent kicked a ball in anger yet and already people are complaining. Jeez,tough crowd.
  4. No,it would have been stupid to join a successful team and to join one on the verge of going out of business every month. If Carlsberg did football they'd probably never do what Jesper Lindstrom did.
  5. I did one of my coaching badges with Andy Spence and he used to run Everton ladies. He's a local lad.
  6. I'd have avoided the cream.
  7. When he's had the Custard Slices,maybe.
  8. Don't let facts get in the way of a good old smear campaign.
  9. I want a rating on those Custard Slices.
  10. Surely that was an abbreviated report? An genuine Athletic article contains no less than 3 chapters or 5000 words.
  11. Sounds great! Running a business is piss easy. You just sack half the workers,pocket more of the profits and let somebody else worry about the burden of these employees finding new jobs while you avoid paying your share of tax on your wealth,largely gained with other people's help. Worra mega cunt.
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