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VladimirIlyich last won the day on March 4 2023

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About VladimirIlyich

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    Yer Ma'
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  1. If by 'Conservative' he means 'cunt' then he's spot on.
  2. If only he'd waited until he could pay for his gym membership by direct debit. He'd be the oldest marathon winner yet.
  3. We beat them in the FA Cup and were cruising to at least a draw in the league,despite not playing particularly well on the day, before throwing it all away. Arsenal should be just as worried.
  4. The first few letters are missing. It should say 'Mastur' too.
  5. Well he seems to have no problem calling for 'scumbags' to be put to death before a trial. Doesn't seem very liberal.
  6. The problem is that 'scumbags' being put to death (In the US for example) are sometimes likely to be innocent or at the very least denied a fair trial because of any number of things. And when you go down the route of believing everything written in newspapers as the whole truth you should check yourself and think again given the history of some of these events.
  7. I'm not even 60 and it seems to be every year for me too. If I need a 'ringer' (see what I did?) I change my Grandson's nappy often enough.* Not that I'd reccomend not doing it despite it being a bit shitty.(Did it again!)
  8. Everton have gone flying past the stage regarding managers where the club need to say 'Look,it's not you it's me.'
  9. Did we forget to pack our away kit shorts and socks for that? Not a great mix.
  10. I've always loved your modesty and humility.
  11. Calories out v Calories in. The calory deficit is what works. How you achieve that is your decision.
  12. Exactly this. I go to Pure Gym and only pay 16 quid a month. Pounding the treadmill is boring but worthwhile if you do it for long enough.
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