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Red Phoenix

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  1. I'm just glad we scored to be honest, might've been ready to start falling to sleep soon if not.
  2. It's a nice attempt but you've obviously been paid by Slot to post that.
  3. Looks like they've done a deal with Adrian so that he doesn't get too much of a hard time and it's a bit too obvious now. We're going to get fucked for match rigging here.
  4. I don't see how Slot comes back from this.
  5. I know they like to take the piss out of us with these early kick off times, but 12:30 AM is going a bit too far I think.
  6. No Nunez, no Gakpo. He's stoned before we've even started pre-season.
  7. The Greens were doing something that bugged me when Corbyn was leader in an election that might've been similar. I can't remember who it was or where though, might've been in a seat in Scotland. I'll try and search around a bit as I'm wondering what it was now but it could take a while. It'd be good if they could clear the issues up though so it can be avoided in future, Jeremy Cunt being out of parliament would've been great. edit : can't find it but it probably wasn't as bad when thinking of it more, some seat being split because they didn't stand down I think when Labour could've easily had it.
  8. I think it'd take someone like Sanders to really change that with Dems, it's probably part of the reason they rigged it against him.
  9. I don't tend to care that much if I think the tweets contain facts and I'm not linking them regularly, I never go looking for alt right/Trump supporting sources though. There's plenty of left wing people that aren't into Harris too. Her speaking at AIPAC and previous support for Israel is one thing that's brought up, another is her past as California's AG where she was known as the "top cop". There's an article on some of it here : How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up This is stuff that will cost her some votes I guess and could be brought up to attack her during the election even though it was glossed over in the past. I'm not interested in posting regularly/arguing in this thread though, they're just two things I noticed and I don't think she'll be that different from Biden if she wins (which is maybe why he chose her as VP in the first place.)
  10. I know Owen Jones isn't a fave around here but I thought this 20 billion thing that Reeves was about to "reveal" was new, it was already known though. If we're having a new round of austerity I don't think that's going down well and it'll just increase the comparisons of them to Tories obviously, which might turn out kind of true anyway if that's what they're doing.
  11. If we had a mixture of these two I'd maybe give playing games a break for 24-48 hours.
  12. It's a bit of a Ted talk sized thing so tried to bunch more of it together and screenshot it in notepad. edit, tried two cropped screenshots instead as text was blurry. Still doesn't look great as it's being resized a bit I think.
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