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Lurtz last won the day on November 30 2023

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About Lurtz

  • Birthday May 10

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    : Fucking 'tYorkshire

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  1. What in the name of absolute fuck is going on? Wankers.
  2. Jesus christ this is pathetic. Almost as if they're all getting paid for it, Neymar included. Shitcunts.
  3. Imagine going to the other side of the planet and not having a beer with The Chimp.
  4. They really, really haven't. They're a dreadful band.
  5. I saw some cunt from Razorlight cite them as one of their influences once. On that basis alone they should be fucking strung up. Alongside Razorlight.
  6. Afternoons out instead of nights out. Sparko on the settee by 9pm.
  7. Having that weird Norwegian cunt on mute.
  8. Why can I drink tea at a million degrees centigrade but coffee has to be nearly cold before I can sip it?
  9. How fucking thick are Americans? I mean in the UK we have bellends who vote for the likes of farage but to sit there and applaud whilst some deranged, orange, candy-floss haired lunatic makes statements about Obama creating isis is another level of stupidity entirely. Stupid cunts.
  10. Just because you have to pay £10 a pack for them in Turkey. The stench of jealousy is almost tangible. Add to that that it's a "crumpet thin" made by Warburtons. It absolutely belongs on a breakfast. With lots of west country butter with salt crystals. No wonder my doctor looks at me like I'm a cunt.
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