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Harry Squatter

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Harry Squatter last won the day on August 30

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  1. That's when everyone has fucked off on 83 minutes after conceding 3 goals and everyone got fed up of booing.
  2. It's going to take at least ten years for anything of any substance to get built round there. The snails pace that anything gets developed in Liverpool will also play a part. Peel won't finance anything and will just want government money to build even a portakabin. This idea that they'll suddenly be able to hold concerts for the biggest artists in the world and will transform their team is pure fantasy. They will also invest nothing in the area themselves but expect everyone else to stump up the cash.
  3. I know loads of them who make their entire life and personality about being a bitter blue. My cousin mentions "great Evertonian" in every sentence when describing his mates. All of them have z cars as their ringtone even though most normal people have their phones on silent. Let's not even get onto their weird obsession with the colour red acting like vampires avoiding Holy water and garlic.
  4. My mate and his Mrs were out in town Saturday afternoon and went to some pub opposite the aloft Hotel. Its a weird bar that would be more at home on that street where the blob shop is or opposite central station is as it has the racing on and shite cheap beer for people who go off their heads if they have to pay more than £3.50 for a pint. He was sitting outside when the place erupted around 5.00 and they all started sing that shite Spirit of the Blues song and jumping up and down then starting off into a rendition of "we don't care what the redshite say". My mate just said to one of them "I thought Liverpool and Chelsea were playing tomorrow?. What are you all celebrating?". He gets told that they've just beaten the mighty Ipswich away yet they are all celebrating like Liverpool have lost a cup final or Everton had secured a memorable victory against some top level opponents. But no, they beat Ipswich and the place was bouncing but still singing about Liverpool. Fucking weird.
  5. Yeah. It's still an impressive barnet now but just completely white.
  6. Here's one of him playing against Pele in the NASL. I showed him this photo and he was just like "oh yeah. Pele, he was a dead nice fella". Like he was some fella he knew from his local.
  7. A few Mancs I know have always gone on about how the club treated Shankly. I wonder what they will think of this now?. Probably just blame the Glazers again. The difference between Shankly and Ferguson is that Shankly instantly regretted the decision to leave and as he only lived a few minutes away from the training ground just wanted to turn up and be involved. In the end they thought that him turning up undermined Bob Paisley even though he was too respectful to tell him to leave or want to fall out with him. In the end it was probably for the best because Bob Paisley was then allowed to be the boss and implement his own ideas. Ferguson left when he was aware that other teams could outspend Man Utd and left them with an aging team and got involved in picking his successor. Apparently he said no to Mourinho to take over from him and wanted Moyes. He's hung around like a ghost from the past and even Solskjaer wouldn't park in the managers parking space because it still "belongs" to him. He was even at some meeting with the owners last season about the manager. He's still been paid a massive wage based on who he is and doesn't seem to do much anyway. He's earned a fortune in his career and you'd think he'd want to enjoy that money. Klopp left without wanting any involvement in his successor and only wanted to leave when he knew the team was good enough and not in total decline.
  8. The Scooby Doo or Scooby Boo Everton version will be where they unmask the Phantom headlocker at the end of the episode or finally find out where the arteta money was hidden.
  9. He's a horrible snide twat. My opinion of him has just intensified 1000 times after reading that. I hate Patrick Barclay, Samuel and that Curtis who writes for the Sun but Powell might be the worst of the lot.
  10. I think Brazil wanted Ancelotti before they ended appointing the current coach, who has been a disaster by all accounts. You'd think Brazilians would be against any foreigner managing their national team.
  11. That Jeff Powell in the Daily Mail is one massive uber twat. Apparently England must be English right down from the manager to the kit man. Still tons of utter bellends in this country think it is 1945. My first thought when I heard that he'd been appointed was that it was quite ambitious. He's not the best manager in the world but he's managed in England, won the CL and has managed two of the teams who regularly win trophies and compete in the CL. But lets just get Eddie Howe or Graham Potter because they are English. Whenever England get knocked out of a competition there's always a massive inquest as to why. Yet let's continue to appoint a good English patriot who will struggle to beat Slovakia or Montenegro in the group stages then lose as soon as they play anyone ranked in the top 10.
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