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Harry Squatter

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Harry Squatter last won the day on March 5

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  1. And he's currently on holiday in LA with his best mate Bellingham.
  2. Pearce saying the priority this transfer window is to sort out TAA contract. Because this can only be done during a transfer window and never at any other time during the year.
  3. It's not like most of the liverpool squad are complete unknowns playing in the Uganda league. They play for the most watched football team in Europe in the most watched league on the planet with every game dissected and over analysed. There's tons of statistics available even for the likes of Carvalho and Tyler Morton who were on loan last year.
  4. Due to the global internet outage that has affected data systems in player analysis, Liverpool and their owners believe that the summer window of 2025-26 will be the best time to attack the transfer market. Thus they will set aside a warchest to spend big next year.
  5. And still won absolutely nothing. 30 year anniversary next May.
  6. This is basically what I think too. I had to endure loads of shite off colleagues and family members when we were nearly run into the ground. I have no sympathy for them now at all. They've been quite cocky laughing about us losing the league at Goodison Park (we didnt) and moaning about Liverpool fans not supporting England. Not to mention them never shutting up about the new ground. It's absolutely glorious.
  7. That Andre Trinidade of Fluminense who we were endlessly linked to last season looks like he is signing for Fulham as the replacement for Palinha.
  8. Him and Adrian were our marquee signings after winning the Champions League.
  9. When they found Yoro in the old Trafford roof it took 3 days to thaw him out.
  10. That article was written yesterday on here. Everyone predicted that there would be some article saying he was either better than yoro or that he would be brilliant in training. I bet James Pearce or Paul Gorst lurk on here.
  11. FSG loaned the club £110m and charged the club interest. They did this out of the goodness of their heart because a greedy bank would have charged a higher rate of interest so FSG stepped in and lent the club money but still banked money from interest. Up until now the club has repaid them £40m from annual revenue. FSG took out a loan of £80m for the ARE which the club will have as debt and will have to repay. The training ground was also funded by the sponsorship deal with AXA. Several LFC journos stated last year that since FSG bought Liverpool in 2010 they have invested around £130m of their own money. So just over £9m of their own money each year since buying us. They bought us for £300m and the club is worth over £4bn depending on what reports you read. We were told last year that the increase in revenue from a 61k stadium will have the club "firing on all cylinders" yet they are already laying the groundwork for a quiet summer. We had the same when the Main Stand was built in 2016 saying it would make a difference to the transfer budget. Next season the kit deal could be close to £100m with Adidas, there'll be more revenue from an expanded CL and more money from the PL TV revenue in addition to the new sponsorsship deals theyve just signed, apparentlythey made around £12m from the summer concerts too. Yet next summer you'll still see the same articles and the same over cautious approach to buying players or endless links to a player who wants to either stay put at their current club or move elsewhere. They may be great businessmen who don't risk their own money and can grow an asset but that won't help us consistently win trophies and compete with similar sized clubs.
  12. They've been asleep longer than some of the characters in Interstellar and Aliens. They really are a deluded gang of twats.
  13. Some of our fans have just been conditioned by FSG to accept their bare minimum approach and think it's being clever and smarter than everyone else. They shout down any criticism of them by asking how many trophies the Mancs, Arsenal or Chelsea have won whilst spending more than us. Or asking how much money the Glazers have spent on Old Trafford, despite FSG not spending any of their own money on the Main stand, Anfield Road End and the extension to the academy. I can't believe that most of our fanbase aren't sick of the constant drip feeding of FSG spin to the media to justify a lack of investment. The club trades on its history of winning trophies, pats itself on the back everytime they get sponsorship deals and uses the size of the fanbase and standing in the game to get new kit or shirt sponsorship deals yet they act like Brighton or Bournemouth when it comes to buying players. Yet to get these deals you need to be competitive and challenging to get the TV exposure to maximise the deals. As mentioned above, its not the fact that we didn't sign this Yoro. It's the constant spin about being interested in players yet nothing happens. Being interested in players who are already set on playing for other clubs or who are never hoping to sign for us.
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