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Rick Sanchez C-137

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Rick Sanchez C-137 last won the day on May 4 2020

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    :Northern Ireland

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Southgate: You're coming off Bellingham: No I'm not Southgate: Yes that's right you're not
  2. Creating fuck all chances all tournament while playing Walker over Trent. You get what you deserve.
  3. Hahahahahahaha. Southgates strategy of "get 0 shots on target and hope for the best" is starting to look a little to cautious.
  4. He hasn't won us a single game yet. I'm starting to get concerned. How long do we persist with him?
  5. I think they sent him for the lap of honour and that's when he got the coaching staff hand in hand
  6. Holy fuck we are SHITE at finishing off from good situations
  7. KDB looked just about level or possibly just off but they didn't give it the 5 minute inspection that they've given every single one of our fucking goals. Maybe he was miles on and I missed it.
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