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Creator Supreme

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Creator Supreme last won the day on June 13

Creator Supreme had the most liked content!

About Creator Supreme

  • Birthday 10/06/1975

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  • Location
    Stockbridge Village
  • Interests
    Being miserable and fat and suicidal.

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Creator Supreme's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Am I being wooshed here? I missed the start.
  2. Officer Crabtree to light the cauldron?
  3. On the shelf at Tescos next week!
  4. I didn't mind that version of Imagine to be honest. It's a song that needs to be heard more anyway.
  5. That's fucking disgusting. Horrendous behaviour, and I hope my local party doesn't start pulling shit like that. Tactical voting in marginal seats should be the norm to keep the Tories and Reform out. Greens, Labour, Lib Dem and the other non-fascist parties and independents should be all in on it!
  6. Surprised he didn't fall off the boat and miss another season the useless cunt!
  7. Plenty of umbrellas and those shitty clear plastic macs in the crowd.
  8. All this wokeness will be giving Le Pen and her mob aneurysms. Which is nice!
  9. Missed opportunity to throw Lady Gaga in the Seine earlier.
  10. Fuck me that's even worse, what a dozy cunt that lad is!
  11. Is "Arne Slot" Dutch for "Brendan Rodgers"?
  12. Didn't Jermaine Pennant leave a Porsche in Spain because he couldn't remember where he had parked it? They've usually got one thing they shine at, but are otherwise as thick as fuck. There are always exceptions that prove the rule like.
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