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Curly last won the day on May 20 2021

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  1. Ah! Are they stood on their sides there then? To be honest mate, that looks half alright. The eggs could be better and the bacon looks like it will go badly when dug up from behind the toast, but I’d happily have a go on that I think. Just had another quick look and the beans are pretty dried out too and the bread is barely toasted. Is that a glass of coke?
  2. And Lee Anderson is literally a moron. Anything he says on any topic is only given oxygen by those who acknowledge it. Quite frankly, he can fuck off.
  3. It’s not though and that’s a different point than you were making in your previous message to me I thought. You asked if I thought it was justified, which I don’t, but to judge the extent of the injustice, you need the details
  4. That’s a good question to be fair. I don’t think it does stop in this case though, as when he’s in a cell for supposedly breaking a woman’s nose, the bizzie who booted him will potentially be in one too, or at least facing his own punishment. They will both have to present context for their individual parts. I’ve read on here someone saying the reason the lads kicked off was because the police waded into an argument they were having and took sides with the others. That context needs to be ignored as well then I imagine
  5. Not saying it’s justified mate. In fact I’ve stated already that it is wrong, but to remove context and reason from an action is not helpful in any situation. It may well be it was totally out of context for the situation and he needs the full force of the law as a punishment. I’m not saying it purely based on excusing him in some way, but to say the sequence of events leading up to an action are irrelevant is not true.
  6. People still saying that what happened before doesn’t matter are baffling me beyond belief. Our legal system is set out to determine verdicts and punishments based on the context of events. It’s not an argument of whether what he did was right, it’s about why and how wrong it was. 1st degree, 2nd degree and 3rd degree verdicts are there for a reason. To remove context and reason is just ridiculous and non-sensical beyond belief
  7. Am I being thick here? Seen “The Grun” mentioned a few times recently, but don’t know what it is. What the fuck is it? I assumed it was a shortened way to reference The Guardian when I saw it on a political thread.
  8. I thought this was a joke to start with, but I’m not sure now
  9. As the weekend draws closer, I’m getting well excited for this card. It’s a fucking joke that they’ve done what they have to the start times, but hopefully it’ll fuel the uk lads and they can get the job done. Desperately want Paddy to beat Bobby Green - he’s an absolute weapon that guy. Would be a great statement for paddy too and push him into the rankings probably. Only concern is the high chin during exchanges with Green’s striking - hope paddy takes him down, which I know is hard to do, early on and mauls him though. If I manage to get up with an alarm it’ll be at 3am til the end, so will miss the meatball unfortunately. Still can’t get my head round the start time. Absolute contempt shown for the uk and European fans. What difference would it make in America for them to watch during the day? Must be huge commercially for them to do this you’d think. Cunty as fuck though. Proper like Allen and Edwards and Aspinall is proper sound, and of course our Paddy. Going to get something tasty to bang in the air fryer while I watch it too - or maybe do something in the slow cooker the day before and warm it up. Buzzing
  10. How biased are the yank commentators? Make our lot seem balanced!
  11. I hear you mate - it’s fucking out of order. All I’m saying is, while I disagree with the action in principle, and especially when someone is in that position, I still see a man’s emotions spilling over in the right or wrong circumstances. I’ve gone to catch a lad I’ve put over fighting in the street before now to stop him falling backwards, but if someone had broken my wife’s or son’s nose unprovoked, I imagine if I managed to drop the cunt who did it I would probably be following up until stopped
  12. Booting someone in the head when they are down, even in a street fight without handcuffs, is fucking shithouse behaviour. That video is horrible. What I will say though in response to those saying what happened before is itrelevant is that I disagree. Context is everything. If you saw a video of a fella booting and stomping someone in the head in the street you’d rightly think “fucking hell, what a cunt”, but I’d think what’s happened before that. And if it had been that the guy on the ground had smacked an innocent woman in the nose and broke it, I might then think “oh well, unlucky cunt”. It may not justify the crime, but it’s open to opinion which is why we can’t make these decisions for ourselves in street justice and that trained guy should know better, but life and context. The guy on the floor is quite possibly a cunt too - I doubt that’s a response given to someone who hasn’t done something to create it, but still not on and not an officer of the law’s right to decide
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