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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

I’m gonna be honest here, someone needs to say it. Her character in Yellowstone is great but she’s a bit of a boot. She looks like a smackhead. I mean you would like but she’s not all that at all. 


Bit of a BoBFoC these days.

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15 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I’m gonna be honest here, someone needs to say it. Her character in Yellowstone is great but she’s a bit of a boot. She looks like a smackhead. I mean you would like but she’s not all that at all. 


On S5 of Yellowstone atm. 


She is amazing in every way. even going to sleep not knowing if she would off you whilst you sleep next to her is everything that gets me going. 

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City of Lies 


Surprised I missed this when it came out. Johnny Depp and Forest Whittaker in a true story about the investigation into Biggie’s murder and the cover up. Blatantly obvious that LAPD officers were working within Death Row Records and they were involved. Biggie’s mum tried to sue the LAPD for the 400 million but it got thrown out because it was still unsolved so officially an active case. Dodgy bastards. 7/10 


Can’t believe he was only 24 

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Just watching Carlito's Way, on Film 4.


I think its fallen out of favour with me a little bit, as i used to have it alongside The Godfather. That being said, the pool scene at the start may be my favourite scene in any film. Its superb.

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36 minutes ago, John102 said:

Just watching Carlito's Way, on Film 4.


I think its fallen out of favour with me a little bit, as i used to have it alongside The Godfather. That being said, the pool scene at the start may be my favourite scene in any film. Its superb.

Carlito’s Way is not in the same league as The Godfather, but it’s my favourite De Palma film by some distance. Arguably Sean Penn’s best work.

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11 hours ago, Tony Moanero said:

Carlito’s Way is not in the same league as The Godfather, but it’s my favourite De Palma film by some distance. Arguably Sean Penn’s best work.

It's got Luis Guzman which automatically bestows classic status.

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2 hours ago, Leyton388 said:

Hell house LLC. 


Found footage horror and honestly one of the best I've seen. I'd give it a solid 8/10. Even the sequals are good. 


I'd recommend people give it a go. 

Yes. It’s pretty decent as found footage horror goes. The hotel in it looks like loads of empty properties you see along then Coast Road in North Wales.

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14 hours ago, John102 said:

Just watching Carlito's Way, on Film 4.


I think its fallen out of favour with me a little bit, as i used to have it alongside The Godfather. That being said, the pool scene at the start may be my favourite scene in any film. Its superb.


Carlitos Way is a great film 

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