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About skend04

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  1. It's because they believe the establishment of Israel brings about Armageddon and the return of Jesus. That's why the Evangelicals started shipping funds and arms way back when. Absolute lunatics.
  2. Been playing Blasphemous via Plus Extra and it's pretty good metroidvania game. If you haven't got Extra, I'm sure it's about £4 to buy and there's loads of game for your buck.
  3. Talk of the Supreme Court possibly deciding on this too. Wonder what they'll do......
  4. That finale was atrocious. Made absolute zero sense. You get the sense the writers thought that by making it the Sage plan all along. A waste of 8 episodes that.
  5. He used to shit himself to get a laugh? Makes sense now you mention Gervais...
  6. If you have a read of the report, it seems like Amazon put most the workers through some kind of anti-union psi-ops shit. And we know how malleable certain members of the UK population are
  7. No idea that Cherie was getting hitched too. Liking the bridal colours
  8. Nah, he just makes it look like a big bag.
  9. They used the Hannibal Protocol on their own people on October 7th, these ongoing war crimes don't even register with them.
  10. Some of us probably already know it, but old people are stubborn, set in their way fuckers. Add that to the clear decline in cognitive abilities and this is the end of the election for Biden and the Dems. The Tories parachuted in Sunak and that ended in a Labour government. Unless the Dems can have a contest for a leader it surely goes the same way right? No wonder there's no one really throwing their hat in the ring to takeover, just people asking him to stand aside.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/10/new-leader-of-backbench-tory-mps-holds-the-partys-future-in-his-hands Looks like the Tories have selected a nice, normal guy to lead the 1922 Committee...
  12. His name isn't William Tell is it?
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