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  1. Past hour
  2. Co Green leader opposes wind farm in his own constituency, not a great look.
  3. It depends on whether you want police to enforce the law and abide by it themselves or you just want vigilantes with a badge. A man is incapacitated on the floor with a copper on top his back, of course what happened before has absolutely fuck all to do with him then coming in and stamping on the guys head. He’s a cunt, should lose his job and be fucking ashamed of himself.
  4. Today
  5. I got in in time for kick off, and watched 20 minutes or so. The Mrs wanted to watch the Olympics opening ceremony and I didn't fight it. Reminded me pre-season, even under a brand new manager, tells you jack shit.
  6. First pre season game out the way and it sure felt like a pre season game. Mostly drab, flat atmosphere, neither side really offering much offensively. Played good stuff the time Nyoni was on the pitch, otherwise it wasn’t really worth staying up for.
  7. The most important thing was that we got the three points.
  8. I don't think I could manage to watch the opening of something like this with the way it drags on, I barely even see any of the actual olympics either. It managed to get a load of right wingers wound up on twitter to the point that they had "Satanic" trending and were making out like civilisation had ended or something though so there was that at least.
  9. Twas a bit boring, but it was good to see the green shoots of his philosophy. Bit more City esque than what we're used to and it's only the start. Still think we need a world class 6,a thiago or busquets type to receive the ball in a phone box and get out of it again, if that's eventually what he wants us to do when playing out. Also, the better players will create more space for the player in that position. Nice to get the win and see some of the young players. Nyoni looked very good and he's only just 17
  10. I had to struggle fighting off sleep for the last half an hour but liked what I saw mostly. Also glad that we didn't do the full change for half time so that our starting players got a bit more time getting used to what they're doing again, hoping that keeps happening.
  11. He's got lots of talent but he needs loaned out or kept with the kids. He's nowhere near good enough to be around the first team. Needs to pick his head up more. Hopefully it'll come
  12. 2nd half, Nyoni. Bajcetic and Doak all impressed. The keeper Jaros looked decent too. Must say, impressed by Slot ball so far. Extremely promising.
  13. He'll be a fantastic wing back.
  14. Decent game. We've upgraded on Jones with someone already at the club. Now to buy someone better than Endo.
  15. Nobody cares what you think. He was terrifyingly good at points.
  16. I still haven't seen Doak kick the ball effectively more than like 3 times.
  17. What's with the official suddenly becoming a cunt?
  18. This ref is pretty pathetic Can we bring Endo back on to clatter that fucker.
  19. Don't worry he's delighted he'll get more of the ball (Until Slot realises he takes far too long on it and can't see a pass) Nyoni has been brilliant. Harvey Elliot stinking the place out as usual. Our play through midfield has been excellent. Really impressed with it, we out number them there with cleverly timed runs. And the passing has been top notch between the lines. Not sure I like the build up play from the keeper though, it's overly risky. Can see that catching us out quite a bit. Endo showed his weaknesses with that, and like you say Gomez will find it hard too.
  20. A bit more respect for Nathaniel Phillips, please.
  21. Yes, that's exactly what I meant. You can pretend that everything was rosy in the Klopp garden but it was starting to show that teams like Man City and Arsenal were pulling slightly away. The personality of Klopp was starting to be the driving force rather than tactics and players.
  22. Imagine being this fucking embarrassing that you want to dive around playing a bunch of kids
  23. That big orc looks a Dyche or Pullis signing if ever I've seen one.
  24. Great 40 minutes from Nyoni. Really looks like he has alot about him
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