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Pidge last won the day on October 13 2018

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  1. Could be last man, centre of the pitch with no keeper and it still wouldn't be a clear goalscoring opportunity for that bum.
  2. Tinker tailor soldier spy Been on my list to watch for ages. The lighting choices to bring out the grain of the film, not my favourite. Plot reveals itself very satisfyingly. Not as dry and dour as it's presented, but also doesn't pander to a modern audience. 8/10
  3. Nketiah not getting the free kicks arsenal taught him to play for.
  4. Fucked it twice, Ford... I'm being a little harsh, of course.
  5. Thought that was a high tackle as well tbh
  6. Think the refs done the right thing. He couldn't have done much more to get lower.
  7. Now to see if England can pull this back. NZ might be down to 13 for the last few here.
  8. What was that nerd whinging about to the point where he blanked the handshakes?
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