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Pidge last won the day on October 13 2018

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  • Birthday July 7

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  1. If that's what you want to call it...
  2. Man feels child is dead to him because they follow a lifestyle he disagrees with. Never heard that one before... What a cunt.
  3. I don't know if if call it an eyesore exactly, but yeah. For all the moaning about the main stand, it really does stick out, not just with the area, but with the walls and everything that they've retained from the old dock. Looks better from the river, I bet. But who's seeing that? Outside of the odd helicopter shot? Edit: looking at it more I think I dislike the cladding more than the dome top.
  4. That's what a lot of people said last year and then decided it was a travesty we didn't land the quadruple. Honestly I just want to enjoy watching Liverpool. Second half of last season was like purgatory.
  5. If the Ederson story is true it was only really going to take off now he's back post-Copa. Would be pleased if we brought either him or the Dutch (not Belgian) guy in. I think it's fair for Slot to want to see more when it comes to the right forward options. High profile player and a few youngsters and/or positional changes he might want to consider first as back up plans. Plus he probably wants to work with Trent to figure out his plan there too. Affects both midfield and right side decisions. Centre back would be good, but hard to find someone good enough that is happy to play backup to Virg. Van den Berg/Quansah and Gomez might be the answer for now. Think I said last summer that the main priority would be contracts and I still think that's the case. Virgil's physical abilities mean you give him multi year if they want that. Trent should be a no brainer unless he's taking the piss. Salah is maybe a 1/2 year job.
  6. It's pretty good, gets into Spielberg's top ten, even if it's a bit corny in places and all the smart people sound dumb if you're over 15 years old. Highly innovative in driving us towards the spectacle-first CGI-mired cinema of today. Ultimately it's a very very good kids film (it's kind of a horror film for kids as well), but not a patch on Jaws or Raiders.
  7. Pretty amazing that so many TLW members moved to Uxbridge. Or are we talking mayoral elections?
  8. 2000+ deaths per day at two different points in late 2021 and 2022. Conservative media was busy telling people it was over.
  9. Doubts over his injury record aside, it seems strange to sell a player with his quality in the season where you could well be playing champions league football. Edit: I mean, Leverkusen haven't been the same since he left.
  10. The go ahead score there was pretty special and all...
  11. Ah fair enough, only watch tv through the internet so missed that. Yeah, it's been a great match.
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