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John Wick 4


Bordering on comical. The original was a tight 90 minute action film, this was just CGI excess. The lore was never strong enough to carry this amount of pompous script wankery on its back. Ooh, they're talking Latin!


The fight-choreography is weak, and nigh on sixty-year old Keanu (God love him) moves with the speed of John Saxon in Enter the Dragon, if he had piles and rickets. Him falling down all the steps was like a bad You've Been Framed video. 


Every gunfight was basically Naked Gun 2 1/2



Load of old pish 



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On my quest to rewatch all the Mission Impossible films. MI4 - Rogue Nation. Absolutely fucking superb. One of the finest action films ever. Special shout out to Simon Pegg who absolutely nailed it, and to Rebecca Ferguson in a bikini. God DAMN. 


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3 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

On my quest to rewatch all the Mission Impossible films. MI4 - Rogue Nation. Absolutely fucking superb. One of the finest action films ever. Special shout out to Simon Pegg who absolutely nailed it, and to Rebecca Ferguson in a bikini. God DAMN. 


I have honestly not watched a single one of these but one of them was on telly either yesterday or the day before and Rebecca Ferguson was on the screen and now I have to watch them all (I know she's obviously not in them all)

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The Killler - 8 out of 10

Netflix film directed by David Fincher and starring the superb Michael Fassbender as an assassin. An enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.


As for the Mission Impossible films, I wasn’t that taken with the first two, but loved them all from MI3 onwards. Much more fun than the latest Bond films, and don’t take themselves as seriously as the excellent Bourne films did. 

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The Killer -4/10. Totally unoriginal plot. Curiously devoid of action for a film about an assassin. Little in the way of character study. And Fassbender spends half the film dressed like Kevin from the Kevin and Perry Ibiza film.


Fincher and Fassbender dialling it in for a quick money grab from Netflix. Given some of the great films Fincher has made, this is a disappointment.

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7 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:


As for the Mission Impossible films, I wasn’t that taken with the first two, but loved them all from MI3 onwards. Much more fun than the latest Bond films, and don’t take themselves as seriously as the excellent Bourne films did.

1. Spot on about the first two Mi's

2. Stop getting Bond wrong. Don't want Bond to be fun.Octopussy/Moonraker, fuck you Roger Moore. Bond is a  00 assassin.

3. Bourne rocks the joint.

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11 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

Fincher and Netflix need their heads banging together and get a season three of Mindhunter sorted.


Too expensive, apparently. Fincher made massive use of CGI to make scenes look authentic to the period and it cost an absolute bomb. Shame, he didn't really need to do that, but he is pretty obsessive.

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The Great Escaper


Tells the true story of 90 year old pensioner and war veteran Bernie Jordan and his trip to France for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.


Michael Caine and Vanessa Redgrave are both brilliant in the lead roles. Subtle, understated and all the more powerful for it.


Wonderful film.


9/10 NERD

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I thought the Killer was utter shite. The main character was just a bellend to the point I hoped he copped for it. 
The lack of realism when it came to people not escaping or making a scene when they could have was ludicrous as well. Along with the randomness of the people he killed or didn’t. 
Fuck that film, what a waste of a Saturday evening. 

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On 10/11/2023 at 22:17, Redder Lurtz said:

On my quest to rewatch all the Mission Impossible films. MI4 - Rogue Nation. Absolutely fucking superb. One of the finest action films ever. Special shout out to Simon Pegg who absolutely nailed it, and to Rebecca Ferguson in a bikini. God DAMN. 



Haven't seen it and it's not my usual type of film but her in a bikini makes me want to. She's unbelievably gorgeous. Girl On A Train Is stocked full of 3 unreal woman. 

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Bloody Hell.


Hard to describe this, slightly comedy/horror with a hint of Tarantino.

A man thwarts a bank robbery but ends up going to jail following an accidental death, on his release he decides to go to Finland, when he arrives at Helsinki Airport he gets in the wrong taxi.


I liked this, it's an odd film and a bit hit and miss but kept me watching. Special mention to Meg Fraser who is absolutely stunning.



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6 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


Haven't seen it and it's not my usual type of film but her in a bikini makes me want to. She's unbelievably gorgeous. Girl On A Train Is stocked full of 3 unreal woman. 

Is right but the film is terrible compared with the book, which is a belting read. 

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Saw 3 films this weekend. The Killer which I enjoyed. Not great but not as bad as some are making out. 7/10. Then Saturday night saw Interstellar for the first time. Really good. As with some of Nolan’s films the plot required your complete attention but beautifully done. 9/10. Then today saw Nicholas Cage’s new one at the pictures with the missus. Dream Scenario. This was a pleasant surprise. Cage is on great form. Very funny and an interesting premise. Tails off a little bit towards the end but still a great watch. 9/10.

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