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  1. I think that’s right The early 70s version was a studio outtake from Greetings if I remember correctly. There are a few gems from back then still collecting dust
  2. Just to be nerdy If I were a priest has been around on early 70s outtakes for years . Allan Clark did a cover version on one his solo post Hollies albums which is shit if I recall . Good song mind and like the new E St version
  3. She will do better than Biden and has half a chance imo
  4. Southgate jacks in the shitshow
  5. You would never have guessed. Weeks of loons spouting shite and the body turns up on the doorstep. Moral is to look properly at the start
  6. Potter or Howe imo
  7. Leaving aside the politics of supporting England how can anyone take pride in the performances this team has served up . These are not Mickey Mouse footballers but top players and without exception they all play far better for their clubs .
  8. Spains crossing has been rank
  9. I’d forgotten Joe Gomez was in the squad . Bet he’s been bored fucking shitless
  10. Oh dear Sir Hal gets booked
  11. Can we just have penalties now please
  12. Shearer making it up as he stumbles along
  13. Agreed just won me 120 quid which made it even better
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