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littletedwest last won the day on March 28 2022

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  1. Oh yeah. Of course if this was someone with a bright red face in benidorm with a bulldog tattoo getting it off a Spanish copper he'd defo say the same thing.
  2. Yeah Gmp have framed a statement that they were frightened their firearms may have been stolen. Shocking that.
  3. Can't remember if I mentioned it on here but after they caught them terrorists and tortured them a fella in gym was saying his Mrs asked " won't they get in trouble for that"
  4. I have no opinion or knowledge of her. But a black woman beating Trump would make his head explode so I'm defo in favour.
  5. The Mrs sister in law was same. She refused put him in a home. 72 years old and having dress and bath him. Get him off the floor if he fell. Like you said mate people like your sister are real heroes, I couldn't do it. Once a week on a Sunday their son would look after him so she could have a drink with her mates at club. Anyway Derek died on a Sunday and we're all sat their and after he died things settled when she asked the time. Their son said " why, are wondering if you've got time get down club?" His funeral isn't till next week, seems funerals take ages. Remember my nan dying on the Sunday and she was buried by Thursday.
  6. if you thought Hulk Hogan was pro Trump last week he'll be even worse now
  7. Yeah it's a quote from the wire. I have seen the film which is a cracker.
  8. You need a day of the jackal type motherfucker
  9. The problem is his supporters are so unreasonable. If for example he called her the n word in a debate very few of them would give a shit.
  10. I read on twitter her polling numbers are the worst ever for a vice president.
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