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  1. They'll have had a deep dive into the books and realised why the fuck would we spend all this money on Everton when they could buy one of many clubs not in mountains of debt for a fraction of the price.
  2. Personally I think Mbuemo would be great signing.
  3. He does lack a bit of pace so when he's played in place of Mo it's been apparent. I really like the lad and he loves playing for the club. Really skilful and clever on the ball. Hopefully he gets even better.
  4. I've not doubt they'd ship out Nunez if a favourable bid was received. Think Diaz is more likely to leave though, higher value and more suitors.
  5. What an overly complex bag of shite. See how the one league system will inevitably morph into a European super league.
  6. It's the taking part that counts, and we didn't even as much as release a B-side.
  7. Not a penalty mate, clearly drags his foot to make contact with the goalie. VAR gives the officials the chance to make the right decision. Chose not to.
  8. Firmino was done, but there wasn't near enough outcry when Mane left. The Sexy Salah contract extension video placated the majority.
  9. Arniepie you are totally missing the point here. He had two pivotal moments today, the chance which he smashed straight at the keeper and the cross when the goalie hesitated and he didn't square it to Mo but over hit to to Diaz at the back post. Yes Salah was bad, yes the two huge moments where bad, but what else did he offer? He's our most expensive forward. How many intelligent runs into the channels did he make? How many times did he drop deep for a pass and move into space? How many times did he win his Ariel duals with their CBs? He excels at nothing. Missed chances can be forgiven if he gets the basics right, but he can't even do that. His touch is terrible. I watched him closely today (I'm a ST holder) I don't even think he knows where to stand half of the time. He simply isn't good enough.
  10. Think he's definitely lost something for me. I don't think our fan base truly understand what we lost in Mane and Firmino both offensively and defensively when they left. And it shows in the output of Salah and the two who replaced them.
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