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Mudface last won the day on May 24

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  1. That's an awful thing to say. I've got two cunt kids.
  2. They don't count, same as normal football.
  3. When you go to draw money out of a cashpoint and the mechanism's fucked so it swallows your card, which you then have to cancel, and subsequently get a load of emails about your payment method no longer working.
  4. Hope not, we went out early in the cups and finished behind Derby... https://www.lfchistory.net/SeasonArchive/Games/16
  5. Fugitive was right about Bob, disgusting behaviour.
  6. Haha. A mate of mine at Uni synthesised Mescaline in the lab and we arranged an evening for a few of us to try it. I remember walking round to his and suddenly stopping dead, thinking- what if I'd already taken it, and I was hallucinating the journey, trapped in some sort of Groundhog Day mental fugue, or worse, I was still tripping after the acid I took at Glastonbury a few weeks earlier. Not the best frame of mind to start a night, but it was really pleasant in the end, sort of like a cross between Ecstasy and acid.
  7. At least there's usually a great big fire, with all the oxygen there is in that vacuum.
  8. Don't think they need a scary night. They've got it all sorted- The haunting laughter of millions online, including hundreds of thousands of people on Merseyside a couple of dozen times a season, and the existential terror of knowing that you're endlessly circling the drain, cheating with a ridiculously expensive white elephant of a stadium which'll be a dead weight for decades as you try and pay it back. That'd keep any one up at night.
  9. There was a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers cartoon in the early '70s where they accidentally took Ketamine thinking it was coke. The next panel is them in a 3 day nightmare, being chased by demonic bats in a hellscape of thunder and fire. Never really fancied it after reading that and the Erowid entries- https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Ketamine.shtml
  10. Unless we all help Code, we're going to be tortured for all eternity- even unto our afterlife. The people who negged and- Code help us- had him banned are going to fare the worst. It's not just a metaphor, it's fucking reality.
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