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  1. Good luck mate. You never know when this cunt likes to get you involved. Hope they bollocked you for waiting so long!
  2. Sad news fella. You only get one Mum. Mum's are the best thing ever, they give love and never ask for payback. They create so many good memories that hopefully help you and your family get through this tough time. Saddest assignment that life throws at you.
  3. Great news Baz, FUCK YOU CANCER.
  4. I saw this in Teneriffe and fell in love with it. Out of my price range so bought blag one in Turkey. Beautiful copy as long as you had young eyes, couldn't tell the time at night.
  5. Ha ha, try telling him .....I'm right behind you!
  6. Apologies if mentioned earlier in this thread. As much as I admire the engineering that goes into them, for me, Jacobs and co make the ugliest watches I've ever seen.
  7. In the ground within 24 hours here, minimum cost, respecfully done even if you're non muslim. Do a celebration of life about 30 days later.
  8. A Bronx Tale. 10/10. Not watched this in years, brilliant cast and story.
  9. If AI is such a lazy bastard it can't be bothered to butter the toast I'm not so bothered by it now.
  10. Cheers, it was always about the bigger attendance for them anyway. Unlucky.
  11. Home comfort mate, a tasty addition to the ham salad.
  12. Only been past bmd on the bus or train, doesn't look that impressive, does it look any better close ip?
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