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  1. A what? Man up. £10 in turkey sounds abbout right made by an expat and where tasteless! Made my own in the end and they where lovely. Crumpets could be eaten for breakfast but not on a fry up. I implore you .....please stop this deviant behaviour.
  2. Crumpets do not belong on a fried breckie, if there ever was a thing of too much bacon, that is that thing.
  3. Not my kind of film but my young grandsons wanted to watch when we where home last christmas, too much swearing for young boys to hear and off after 10 minutes.
  4. The Last Boy Scout. 8/10 Bruce doing what Bruce does. Considering it was made in1991 it still looks good.
  5. So disappointing to read that, was really looking forward to it having watched the Joker five times.
  6. Good call, the night we realised we had a top goalie.
  7. There breakfasts just like the hotel chain make you feel sad and lonely.
  8. Great funny report, stand out for me was... He did well against United but I wanted to see him against better opposition so it was good to see him shine against Ipswich. Is it only us as a club that doesn't moan? All I hear is moaning from the others. Dark arts, var, officials etc
  9. Yes! Hello....overhead railway.....taxi boats......helipad. Not forgetting, within walking distance for 99% of them. Google says 13hrs 53 mins from Rhyl
  10. That's so true, wonder how many kids got an introduction to female flesh that way, i know i did.
  11. It was only when i finished reading the report I realised there was no hair worship or bald "quips" Don't know if you're a member of the Larry David bald club, if you need to be you would be a welcome member. Spot on about Morata, I've never seen him have a good game either. He in there with others like Iwobi when I wonder how they got so far in the game.
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