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Bobby Hundreds

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Bobby Hundreds last won the day on June 16 2023

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  1. I find Peps football at least at City boring as fuck. There's a happy medium though as a neutral I'd of loved watching us but that shit aged me faster than I'd like to age. High risk high reward takes it's toll, I think it does on players too. All out for a season and then struggle the next. I wouldn't swap any of Klopps time at all but a bit of a breather a bit more control in games won't be too bad unless of course our players can't shoot for shit again then it won't matter.
  2. They're always shit up until the lighting of the torch bit. London was decent but really hit the spot at the lighting of the torch, Calibans dream being sung by that two door cinema club guy as the old athletes passed the torch to the young ones. It was rather lovely.
  3. St Vincent and the Grenadines not heard any of their music.
  4. Love that street lamp. I miss the orange glow of our old street lights.
  5. These athletes are going to catch their death in that cold rain.
  6. Looks like shark meat is back on the menu boys!! For scruffs who touch the stuff.
  7. Bulgarias team jackets are very nice.
  8. Hi Arne Steven Smithereens from the Echo here.. first of all how do you feel about 2 plus 2 equalling 4... uh huh and is it important for your heart to keep beating on a regular basis.. yup and finally Salah is a good player but what if Klopps cock is longer than yours?
  9. The money is there to buy anyone but honestly there is no one, we have the best of the best all over the shops.
  10. It's a good start as was Bidens pisstaking. Trump is a thin skinned narcissist.
  11. I turned on him the second I heard the rumour he existed.
  12. Why dont the Democrats give him the same shit back with all his Trump university stuff and, the Washington riots, his draft avoiding fucking toupee.
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