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El Rojo

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El Rojo last won the day on April 23

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  1. Was amazing to see Bruno Cheyrou running around in his white suit with the Olympic flame at the start of the ceremony.
  2. Great comments. The more players who like the new manager’s playing style, the better. Needs to stop getting injured though, and hopefully the new regime can help with that across our squad.
  3. Potential For Pain might be a great title for our 2024/25 season review.
  4. If we can’t handle you at your worst, we don’t deserve you at your best x
  5. Would have kept Danns as an option from the bench. Agree that Rooney is a dreadful manager to be sending one of our players to, if true. Also, it’s crazy how much of their young careers Bajcetic, Gordon and Doak have already lost through serious injury. Hopefully we start assessing training and playing loads more closely to see if there’s any correlation.
  6. Nancy Pelosi stealing his chant now. Sickening.
  7. Villa looking to bring in Joao Felix. He’s always unimpressed me but Emery is nobody’s fool and might well get a tune out of him. Villa could have a very big season if they buy properly. Good squad already and a shrewd manager.
  8. Haha! The next family reunion could be awkward.
  9. Think I posted very similar when they introduced the peanut butter and white chocolate special edition Kit Kats a while back.
  10. If you can’t handle him when he’s doesn’t know where he is, you didn’t deserve him when he knew where he was.
  11. If you can’t handle him when he’s messy, you don’t deserve him when he’s Messi x
  12. Hopefully he’ll ping a winner into the top corner against Ipswich and then unveil a t-shirt that reads, ‘If you can’t back me when I’m not worth it, you don't deserve it when I’m worth it.’
  13. Impossible to say until we see our squad at the end of August. It will also largely depend on Man City and Arsenal. If they’re in any way flat we might have an outside chance of an unlikely title challenge. That’s probably a long shot though. Players are spoilt, privileged brats today, but they’re also overworked in what they do and it’s crazy that the best ones will have very little break between the summer tournaments and the start of the season.
  14. Great that Bajcetic is getting a full pre-season. Can potentially play a big role if he can stay fit. Tsimikas is going to be one of those players who’ll quietly stay with us until he’s 37 without featuring hugely, and then he’ll just swap over to the Legends team.
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