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El Rojo

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El Rojo last won the day on April 23

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  1. What if he was producing Jordan Henderson’s debut album, ‘Pointing The Way’?
  2. Music. Ruined by streaming.
  3. Apparently Kelleher’s on £10k a week, or a fifteenth of what Alisson earns. In a money-bloated industry, it’s Insanely low pay for someone who has been more than solid whenever called upon, including throughout his 26 appearances last season.
  4. Yeah, absolutely agree with this. Thought he might have stepped into an upstairs role with Dortmund.
  5. Can only admire Melo’s post-LFC trolling. 48 games and two goals for Fiorentina last season.
  6. Cheers, very interesting piece. Hopefully the late start will give him a year or two extra at the other end.
  7. Crazy that Virgil is 33 already. Celtic was a good move for him back in the day, but it was clear then that he was brilliant. Madness that the top clubs left him at Southampton for three years. 26 was surprisingly old for him to move to us.
  8. Henderson definitely only hovering around ready to pocket that bunch of bananas when no-ones looking.
  9. Made a few oven chips earlier. Not perfect, but they turned out okay.
  10. If Tracey Emin or Damien Hirst slapped that down in a museum they’d get tens of millions for it.
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