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Jose Jones

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Jose Jones last won the day on February 28 2020

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  1. Everyone’s pretty happy with the situation I would say, so well done to the politicians all round.
  2. Be great to see if Beck’s still got it. He used to produce consistent top quality, but his last few albums have been crap.
  3. I don’t think it will be entirely set in stone, because there may well be players who step up, but yeah, he definitely would have watched our games and thought where he’d like to improve a position or two.
  4. Yeah but they don’t make any decisions on what the team needs or what the budget is, or do any negotiating. They just identify players - which is why we have only signed a couple of kids for peanuts. The decisions on big money players needed people in Edwards, Hughes and Slot’s roles in place and we basically only had Klopp and he was leaving. FSG basically gave up on having any decision making structure for a couple of years.
  5. Yeah but we didn’t have a Director of Football either. We basically just signed who Klopp wanted for the last season and a half. So who would have been making the decisions?
  6. Ok, fair enough! Maybe not completely. I do reckon he is on the right lines though. Players are going to wait and see who he is and how the season goes, as he is an unknown. Which is a big risk for us with Trent, Virgil and Mo.
  7. You are completely misrepresenting what @Mil-ing Aroundis saying. He is saying that the players won’t see Slot as a world class manager or really exciting appointment. Which is obviously completely true. He doesn’t have any experience of winning top European leagues or European trophies. Therefore he’s going to have to do a fair bit of work in getting the players on board. Reports are that he’s a really good communicator and players love him, so fingers crossed. For those players with one year left on their contract though the club does not have time for the players to get on board. The contracts need sorting now. A more sexy managerial (head coach) appointment, e.g. Alonso, Guardiola, Southgate, and the players would have been more likely to sign up straight away as they would have more knowledge, trust and excitement at working with the new man.
  8. You don’t think Slot will need to work harder to prove himself to the players compared to someone who had won big European leagues and trophies? Who were you more excited when we appointed them, Hodgson or Klopp?
  9. Seemed like the players liked playing for him, even though his tactics were shit. It was basically just Ben Shite who told him to fuck off.
  10. Think it was just that he’d played 1st team in the Eredivisie at very young age and was dirt cheap. No lose situation really.
  11. Yeah you’ve got to think the French were deliberately taking the piss their on someone who had the gall (gaul?) to order an English breakfast in France.
  12. We are obviously not going to be signing any major players this summer. Those transfers take time and you need to woo players, agents and clubs to get the deal over the line. We had a part time sporting director on a casual contract and no manager for the coming season. Who do you think was doing the identifying and wooing? Plus Slot has not even started working with the players, so won’t know exactly what he wants and where. Unless you want John Henry to start deciding for him. Will be youth teamers only. Spare yourself the torment and come back next summer.
  13. I went for a job recently and the HR lass set up a pre-screening call. It was mostly when could I start, and what the salary was, but then she started asking why I wanted the job, and where I saw my future afterwards. My answers to those were so shit that I didn’t even get to the real interview. So I would do a little prep, just in case.
  14. I am talking back in the 90s and it was completely true. The conservative government deliberately kept the number of qualified nurses below the needed levels by not endorsing / approving enough university courses and places.
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