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manwiththestick last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. Kenny to announce all three on Christmas Day afternoon. A King's speech I could get on board with.
  2. Nah. Cave Troll to make a complete show of the 'butcher' In a 2 all draw.
  3. And the boat money for winning all the games so far.
  4. Between him and Ferdinand It's a toss up on who is more consistently wrong on anything football related.
  5. Too late, all the fat envelopes have been handed out. I couldn't give a shite about International football but that whole selection process is as blatant a corruption in plain site you'll ever see.
  6. Injury crisis right up there with Everton's Covid losses.
  7. BBC "comedy" gets the audience it deserves.
  8. Shitcoat's at it again. 'I don't think it's fair that the big shark always finds a way to escape the rules'
  9. They haven't ever played in the Champions League, Collina came out of retirement by order of UEFA to ensure Everton didn't get out of the qualifying round.
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