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Karl_b last won the day on November 23 2021

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About Karl_b

  • Birthday 05/07/1985

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  1. I'm pretty sure I've read that the evolution of eyes - from "simple" light-detecting nerves through to complex human/other eyes - is not only very good evidence that can still be seen in the natural world today but is something that continues to happen before our very...err well...eyes. Intelligent design wouldn't have such flaws as a blind spot or flimsy protection in front of it. Edit - and our eyes see upside down, which our brains flip so that we can see right way up.
  2. Like eyes. They're extremely valuable but equally as vulnerable; nothing intelligent about that. Eyes are one of the big points used in favour of the theory of evolution, aren't they?
  3. I assume AI is just writing these? "Liverpool will let PLAYER X leave if they receive a bid of £Xm. Brighton and Dortmund are interested." Grifting fucks.
  4. Look at this horeshit. You'd think the Norwegians would be prepared for this and invest in anti-fishcake equipment. Pathetic snowflakes.
  5. No, it doesn't. But I'm sure you've got some condescending charts or irrelevant photos you can grab from somewhere that everyone can scroll past.
  6. We've been at my sister-in-law's and our Mont has been hanging with their cockapoo and lab.
  7. I'd be quite happy with that. Which says more about my life than yours.
  8. I've never worried about credibility. The big question is, does he still like trains?
  9. The lead up on to Christmas this year has been wonderful, our 3-year old has been an absolute joy and we've done some great family activities. I'm just waiting for everyone to wake up so we can spoil her! Merry Christmas.
  10. We have my parents here and they wanted the traditional turkey dinner; I'm brining it before roasting and hoping for moist things. I need to get up and sort that before cracking on with making the braised cabbage, maple roasted carrots, sausage stuffing, pigs in blankets, etc, etc. A lot to do but I absolutely love doing it.
  11. Five of us did exactly that this season and he was picked 13th.
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