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Rushies tash

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Rushies tash last won the day on July 13

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About Rushies tash

  • Birthday 15/11/1871

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  1. Arteta has been copying City, albeit with their own shit house, jammy as fuck touch, and have gotten closer than we have for the past couple of seasons.
  2. Should people violently resist arrest? No. Should a police officer kick someone, lying prone, in the head? No. Both wrong and both will no doubt be dealt with in the courts.
  3. Cheers. Was a relief for her in the end, and not least for my sister, who was her unpaid carer for the last years of her life. You see gongs being handed out for some cunt whose business did well, when she deserves a fucking medal for how she looked after our mum (and the literal shit she had to do for her).
  4. Was my mam's funeral today. Finally lost her to dementia. She was barely a husk when she went. Cunt of a disease. Played YNWA at the end as she was a lifelong red (she stood on a box in the boys pen back in the day) and for fuck's sake, that song gets me at the best of times. If you're still lucky enough to have your mum with you, give her a hug when you see her. Mums are boss x
  5. I think putting Harris front and centre now, forming cogent arguments against Trump's populist ramblings, will see a reversal of the recent ratings. Her team need to play it right though.
  6. If it is true that he's trying to dictate where he plays, then fuck him off now rather than let him spend a year disrupting the squad by moping about. On his day, a great player, yes, but Slot needs everyone on board with what he wants from his team.
  7. They should be shouting this from the rooftops - sure as fuck the Tories would be. Even on the news programmes, the presenters continually refer to 'the previous administration' rather than the Tories. Everyone seems to acknowledge that the economy is fucked, but very reluctant to say who fucked it, and this is why Labour's reputation for financial mismanagement endures - the useless cunts who've just left office never get called out on it.
  8. It's outrageous that children won't be allowed to earn an honest living any more. Apparently, crawling under mill machinery is "dangerous". Honestly, when will these lefties stop interfering with their incessant bureaucracy?
  9. I think much of that was down to the narrative that was pushed. News reports about their protests almost always included several interviews with outraged members of the public who'd been inconvenienced. Add to that the subsequent attack line of ambulances being delayed, then they had no chance. Throwing powder over artworks also seemed a bit counterproductive.
  10. Leipzig? No thanks. He'll turn up with one leg.
  11. Cheesy beans on toast. Crisps. Any. Just love Crisps.
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