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YorkshireRed last won the day on June 17 2023

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  1. I’m not sure how to respond to this.
  2. Could be her riding it. If it breaks into a jig we’ll know for sure.
  3. I like this horse on the river bit.
  4. She butchered it but, fuck, I wish the world would listen.
  5. The weather obviously hasn’t helped but, at one of those times when it’s absolutely an opportunity to ‘go big’, I think they’ve probably been a little too ambitious and haven’t quite pulled it off. If the Olympics isn’t about trying your best, and shooting for the stars, though, then I don’t know what is. Alan Kennedy once did that in Paris, although we don’t mention that in these parts. It’s enjoyable enough.
  6. I once nearly pulled in The Rocket. If I’d have known they served fish fingers for breakfast I’d have made more of an effort. She’s probably on a forum somewhere else telling a similar story, although our recollection of the word ‘nearly’ may differ.
  7. Your bar is very high, however… It’s unmentionable related but Dynamo: Defending the Honour of Kiev was good. Another unmentionable, and even worse, ‘them’ related is Forever Young: The Story of Adrian Doherty, Football's Lost Genius by Oliver Kay. Despite the subject matter, it’s a great read and very impactful. I’d also add… The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz by Denis Avey & Rob Broomby. Slightly less good, but I enjoyed it and it fits your criteria is The Traitor of Colditz by David Verkaik. All the above are true stories/accounts. I’ll be back when I think of any more.
  8. As long as he does, and says, the right things he gets a 100% pass this season. To genuinely compete, he will need support. Not just from those controlling the purse strings, but from the fans as well. I’m hopeful, if not wildly optimistic, that he will be a success if he’s given time.
  9. Yes, what happened before is irrelevant. The guy on the ground may well have been guilty of some nasty shit. If so, he was right to be arrested and hopefully he, and whoever else was involved, will be appropriately punished. He had been detained, and was restrained, at the point that policeman did what he did. It wasn’t reasonable force, it wasn’t necessary, and it was criminal.
  10. Sorry for your loss, glad she got the time she did to experience a new grandson and see your kids grow. Hope you’re as ok as you can be.
  11. I voted the first one. Forum etiquette must be maintained, otherwise carnage will ensue. However, the first post was a terrible way to kick off a thread celebrating what should be a great event. In the end though, two wrongs don’t make a right.
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