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Harry's Lad

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Harry's Lad last won the day on July 27 2022

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  1. Greater Manchester Police really have been a law into themselves. https://news.sky.com/story/humiliating-searches-banning-lawyers-missing-cctv-has-greater-manchester-police-learned-from-baird-review-13185264 Shower of cunts.
  2. My Mrs uses these on our dogs with no problems. https://masterclip.co.uk/search?q=dog+nail+clippers I think they sell on Amazon so you might save on postage. If your dog has dark nails be careful because you can't see exactly where it's live which is painful for the dog and it can bleed some. You can buy some stuff specially for this which acts like a styptic pencil, stops the bleed and helps it heal.
  3. Feeling a massive fart brewing when you're in the dentists chair and desperately trying to keep it in when you get up.
  4. And that ladies and gentlemen is why people have no trust in those whose job it is to protect them.
  5. Sorry for your loss mate. Thoughts with you and your family.
  6. It doesn't get much lower than that. What an absolute bastard.
  7. That's fantastic news Baz. Genuinely made up for you.
  8. Like Data and Commander Hutchinson in Star Trek TNG 'Starship Mine'.
  9. I remember her. Lovely looking girl. Sad news.
  10. It took 3 weeks with my sister in law earlier this year. It might sound callous but you just want it all to be over and done with so things can settle down and you can start to move on. The time it takes now just leaves you in limbo and prevents you from doing that. It took 3 weeks when my dad died as well. It just prolongs the whole grieving process.
  11. The last of the original members of The Four Tops, Abdul 'Duke' Fakir has died aged 88. Singer Evelyn Thomas who sang High Energy has also gone aged 70.
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