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Planet Origi

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  1. Must be some sort of a fetish for him (and brucie and mark), depriving children.
  2. Saw straight through him for the racist gammong cunt he is.
  3. Fuck you, you fucking gimp. Did you even read his post. Vermin.
  4. Wtf...one nasty piece of shit you are. Fucking scum cunt.
  5. I'm not surprised. It's no longer just hypocrisy, it's blatant racism. Even dopey cunts like section are at it. And lifetime fanny...I see it's crawled out starmers arse for a breather.
  6. Have there been any official visits to Russia for er, diplomacy? I don't think there has but could be wrong. Brucie makes a good point, but waiting to 'see the legal evidence' smacks of deliberate waste of time and pretense as suggested above.
  7. https://x.com/mohammed_hijab/status/1812603184017191098 All singing from the same hymn sheet. "Political violence" when it's a white non-Muslim and "terrorism" if it's a Muslim. Global conspiracy. Gammongs
  8. Wtf has he done this time...I thought it was just the stalking!
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