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Jarvinja Ilnow

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Jarvinja Ilnow last won the day on May 17 2019

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Sorry, Rodri and Morata, your country couldn't even hold on to a rock attached to it. That's like Merseyside losing the Wirral to Ireland.
  2. Yes, Billy Bremner was the shite's shite. Great kit on a mobile punching bag, Tone.
  3. It's never your time, it's never your time, Always the bridesmaid, it's never your time.
  4. Part of me was hoping he'd miss - get dogs abuse from Ingerland fans and media, and then tell England to fuck off because he is focusing on Liverpool.
  5. Great! Russia/ Ukraine escalates to the rest of Europe and the brave scabs of Nottingham enlist en mass and no conscription for the rest of us.
  6. Bit of decorum wouldn't have gone amiss, Tone. Doff the cap, polite handclap, shake of hands (properly, mind), maybe a manly pat on the back. Anything else is too continental.
  7. That cunt would wear a life vest in the shower.
  8. Brook is an elegant batsman but I don't think he can change a game like Buttler. Operation reverse jinxing commenced.
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