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On 19/10/2023 at 13:40, Bjornebye said:

Fair Play - Netflix - 2023


Film about a couple who get engaged but they have to keep it quiet because they both work at the same cut-throat hedge-fund. It's actually quite good but I think what makes it good is Phoebe Dynevor. I've re-discovered what it feels like to be truly in love. She is beyond amazing. The fact that she's Sally Websters daughter (In real life) doesn't scare me. Fucked up ending that you can half see coming (well not the final scene) but it keeps you intrigued to see how it all unravels. 


6/10 without Phoebe, 11/10 with her. 












GET IT WATCHED and report back after you've found your cock. 


Someone anyone please 

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A Bronx Tale.


I really like this film but a couple of things pissed me off on the most recent viewing. Firstly, after C witnesses the murder at the start, the police are at his door within 30 seconds then when the bikers get locked in the boozer, the Italian boys all just happen to be standing behind the back door with baseball bats, fucks all that about? Still a good film though with a great soundtrack.

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14 minutes ago, Mook said:

A Bronx Tale.


I really like this film but a couple of things pissed me off on the most recent viewing. Firstly, after C witnesses the murder at the start, the police are at his door within 30 seconds then when the bikers get locked in the boozer, the Italian boys all just happen to be standing behind the back door with baseball bats, fucks all that about? Still a good film though with a great soundtrack.

He tells his mate as he’s about to let them get drinks to go and get the boys because he knows it’s likely going to kick off 

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Accused - Netflix 2023 


Story about a young lad falsely accused on Twitter of bombing a tube station in London. His address gets leaked on the dark web. It’s fucking brilliant. For a low budget British movie …. Love it. Very suspenseful. The actor that plays the main character is superb. 9/10 

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6 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

He tells his mate as he’s about to let them get drinks to go and get the boys because he knows it’s likely going to kick off 


Does he? I completely missed that.


The bit with the police at the start is still a bit annoying.

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11 minutes ago, Mook said:


Does he? I completely missed that.


The bit with the police at the start is still a bit annoying.

Yeah when he first walks into the pub. He says give them the beers then has a word in the ear. He knew the bikers would be arseholes 

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1 hour ago, DalyanPete said:

Equalizer 3. Big bad Denzel in a 9/10.

Best of the three for me. Really violent at times, bit quiet in the middle but a good adult watch on a Saturday night with a few beers.

Desperate to see this. Missed it at the pictures. I love Denzel and I also love these films. They’re very underrated. 

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4 hours ago, Paul said:

Desperate to see this. Missed it at the pictures. I love Denzel and I also love these films. They’re very underrated. 

Watched it yesterday and I thought it was gash (I love the first two), waaaay to slow. Opinions eh?


Watched the latest Exorcist thing at the cinema the other week, absolute shite.

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Killers of the Flower Moon. 


8/10. Date night on the meerkat thing, her idea. 3.5 hours? She clearly hates me at the minute. Anyway, very good. Didn't get up for a piss once and it didn't feel like that long. Some brilliant acting, Di Caprio is the Jack Nicholson of our generation. Quirky ending that didn't match the film. It was quite Tarantino esque at times but another cracker from Scorcese. Arguably De Niro's most evil ever character. 


I actually think films can be too short sometimes and this fills every minute, no pointless scenes. 

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5 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Jazzman's Blues


Netflix version of Mississippi Burning / Loving / Passing mashup. Very worthy and watchable but not as good as any of those 3 brilliant films.


Poorly acted, a bit too schmaltzy, and overly long, but still a worthy watch.


6.5/10 Nodi Ezra Real Debrid


It's brilliant that. 

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On 27/10/2023 at 08:40, manwiththestick said:

Talk to me. 


I so wanted this to be good as the trailer and reviews looked promising. Alas, as with most horror films it just lacked, it was okay in bits but overall a bit of a let down.




I had to turn this off after 20 minutes. I just couldn't watch another horror film with so many insufferable teens. I'd have probably ended up cheering each untimely death or something.

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1 hour ago, skend04 said:


I had to turn this off after 20 minutes. I just couldn't watch another horror film with so many insufferable teens. I'd have probably ended up cheering each untimely death or something.


I thought cheering the untimely death of insufferable teens was the whole point of horror flicks? Or have Inbeen getting it wrong?

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