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  1. Back on the course. Looking a bit gaunt understandably, but walking the course and carrying his own bag is good for any fella approaching 70.
    27 points
  2. It's been a week but I am still knackered from last Thursday. Representing the Green Party in my beloved St Helens North, I put on a campaign of hope not hate and on not being a sensible moderate. I am very proud of our manifesto and I felt it was time to invest, not wring hands and make excuses about the poor state of public finances. Nationally it was our best ever night and I came 4th with nearly 3500 votes. 8.6% of the vote and therefore the first Green candidate in St Helens to get their deposit back. For 10 minutes, the candidate in St Helens South got his deposit back too. It was a really surreal experience being stood on stage whilst David Baines gave his (classy) victory speech with me in the background. I was interviewed by local press and had my photee on the live blog. I was asked to visit areas and speak to people. I represented the party at a hustings (from which we got a new member). I had to share a stage with the English Constitution Party. All of these are things I will never forget.
    26 points
  3. Monday Jul 8: Thiago is retiring. I’m kind of shocked, although I probably shouldn’t be. He missed virtually the whole of last season despite spending so much time rehabbing to try to get himself fit. Every time he got close, he broke down again. I don’t know if it was the same injury or a different one, but it doesn’t matter I guess. It must have been utterly demoralising for him. His body was breaking down, it just wasn’t up to the demands of professional footy anymore. He probably could have taken a big money deal in Saudi but big respect to him for deciding to bow out now. It’s such a massive fucking shame as he’s one of the best players I’ve ever seen play for us. A brilliant technician who loved putting his foot in and working his nuts off too. Seems like a top fella as well and this has hit me quite hard. I’m surprised at how sad I feel about it actually as he wasn’t here that long and he missed more games than he played. What a player he was though when fit. An absolute joy to watch. Meanwhile, Uruguay are in the semis of the Copa America after a penalty shoot out win over Brazil at the weekend. They’ll play Colombia, who romped through with a 5-0 win that saw Diaz get a goal. He’s still being linked with Barca who have somehow now apparently come into some money and can buy players again. I’ve said before that I don’t want him to go and I wouldn’t sell him, but it does kind of feel like there’s some fire to go with this smoke, especially with all the Anthony Gordon talk. If we sold Diaz and brought in Gordon for a similar fee would that be an upgrade? Personally I don’t think so, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world either. We would be getting younger and it’s another homegrown player, which helps, and Gordon has developed into a really good player over the past 12 months. I just think we often under-rate some of our players and over-rate other team’s players. What on earth has Gordon done in his career to this point to be seen as being clearly better than Luis Diaz? Maybe I’m in the minority here, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’m ok with it, I’d just rather it didn’t.
    25 points
  4. 22 points
  5. Monday Jun 24: The hero who hacked Man City’s emails and exposed them for all the shit they’ve been up to says he has more emails that prove their guilt and there’s enough there for the authorities to find criminal activity. I wondered why he hadn’t already released them, but it’s probably the smart thing to do to keep them back as an insurance policy so he doesn’t mysteriously “disappear”. He’s not taking on a football club here, he’s going up against the U.A.E. and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say his life is probably in danger. This is from the Mirror and honestly I don’t know how this isn’t massive headline news everywhere. “Pinto, who has been in a witness protection programme since 2020 after being unmasked as the man behind the football leaks revelations, says he has handed over five hard drives which will implicate the club. The 35-year-old shared some hacked City emails with the media in 2018, but kept hold of the vast majority, which he says have now been shared with the relevant authorities. “The Man City releases showed amounts of money being paid into by the club that were not mentioned to the football authorities. These documents are from part of the Premier League investigation into City. I have now handed five hard drives to French and German authorities with millions of documents, including more on City and I have described what is on each. I am confident they will find criminal relevancy.” Lot to unpack there, but firstly the question should be how come he’s had to go in witness protection? What are the authorities worried about here? Who would be a threat to his life? City’s owners? Noel Gallagher? Curly Watts? Little and Large? He’s having to live like Henry Hill in case the mafia come for him. I didn’t know about most of that stuff in the Mirror. I thought the emails that were leaked were all he had but now we’re hearing that he kept hold of the “vast majority”. I mentioned above that it makes sense to keep some as an insurance policy but for the ones that we knew about to only be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ is quite the revelation. The ones that were released had them bang to rights. I read a few of them and their guilt is indisputable. Now we hear there are more that are even more incriminating? Fucking hell, this is the biggest story in English football in years but virtually nobody is even mentioning it. Imagine if this was us, or United, or Arsenal. City’s irrelevance is working massively to their advantage here. Why has he handed the evidence to French and German authorities though? Is he afraid that if he handed them to the English authorities they might “go missing” perhaps? If so, he’s a smart cookie. I wouldn’t fucking trust anyone over here with this kind of shit either. Abu Dhabi would be on the blower to whichever fucking stooge happens to be Prime Minister and before you know it, government pressure would make it al go away. Whatever happens to City, anything short of the being wiped off the face of the planet means they’ve got off lightly. Meanwhile, Darwin scores for Uruguay in Copa America. He missed a few chances before that though so there’s enough for everyone there, lovers and haters alike. What a guy, always thinking of others. We were linked strongly with Nico Williams today as there’s a buyout clause that’s only around £45m or something. He’s on massive wages though so we’d have to at least match those. Lots of people believe there’s something in this, my gut says there isn’t and I’m just waiting on the Pearce the Grim Reaper to shoot it down.
    22 points
  6. Monday Jul 15: The inquest into England’s failure begins. As you’d expect, the Athletic - bless them - have done the whole deep dive “inside England’s Euros disappointment” thing and much of their focus is on Bellingham being unpopular with the rest of the squad. It’s all pretty tenuous “sources say” “some players believe” etc but honestly I reckon it’s probably even worse than they’re reporting. Bellingham gives off that Ronaldo stink even though he hasn’t achieved anywhere near as much as Ronaldo achieved. Ronaldo earned the right to be a bellend. Of course you can choose not to be one, as Messi has for the most part, but the point is when you’ve done everything Ronaldo has, if you want to act like a prima donna “I’m better than all of you plebs” type of knobhead, you’ve earned the right to. Bellingham hasn’t, but he seems like an absolute cock. The claim is that some players didn’t like the “who else?” celebration while others aren’t happy that he took up a position in the leadership group and then just refused to do press duties, leaving it to the likes of Palmer and Gordon etc I’m mindful of going in too hard on Bellingham because he’s still a kid really. We judge these lads to a high standard of behaviour when they’re still maturing and learning. Bellingham seems very mature but he is still a kid, and some of the things he’s said and done that have annoyed me are probably not that big of a deal and can be put down to his age. That being said, if the lads who are around him all the time think he’s a knobhead then he probably is. It seems like Trent is his only mate in the squad, which makes me worry a bit about Trent's judgement. His best mates are Hendo, Bellingham, Ramsdale and Robbo. If it wasn't for Robbo I'd be seriously questioning his taste in friends.
    21 points
  7. So for the first time since my surgery, I made a fry up. It was a deffo case of my eyes bigger than my ample belly. My appetite is down at the moment, so I only got through about half of it. That's a fried slice and not toast on there. I dunno what happened to the 2nd yoke, but it was still fine under the dried outward look. The sausages were lovely - they were jolly hog black pudding and pork. I don't often go for stuff like that as I think they always sound nicer than they actually are. It was clonakilty black and white pudding, both delicious, but I've managed just one of each. Anyway, neg away.
    18 points
  8. That took ages to scroll past.
    17 points
  9. Will this do?
    16 points
  10. I've been to see my surgeon today for the results of my histology. All the results are back clear. There is every reason to believe I have a cure this time. I feel so relieved. So I just need to get sorted physically and crack back on with life.
    14 points
  11. Bog standard, sensible decisions now look amazing and actually make you feel hopeful for the government. Just shows how fucking morally bankrupt the tories are.
    14 points
  12. You don’t need a weather man to know which way the winds blowing. Im surprised it is, potentially, this big, and that isn’t solely down to Labour, the Tory/SNP disintegration has helped massively. Britain is just done with the cunts, everything is broken, nothing works, life is miserable and everyday they’re hearing ‘record funding’ and looking around and asking ‘where?’ Doesn’t take much of a cognitive leap to look at your pay slip and the tax/bills going out and ask where the money fucking went? They’ve physically and very visually broken country while telling you you’ve never had it so good. Even the apathetic Brit has a breaking point and Sunak/Tories managed to find it and then keep reminding people. Tomorrow is retribution, and it’ll be cathartic for millions and millions of people even if little materially changes quickly.
    14 points
  13. She's been charged with handling swollen hoods.
    14 points
  14. Lettuce pray.
    13 points
  15. Nunez: ‘How am I doing, boss?’ Suarez: ‘You’re making me look relatively calm and collected son…. relatively calm and collected!’
    13 points
  16. Does it? All i remember in 2019 was the size of the majority, half of what Labour's is now, Dominic Cummings genius and how Labour had lost the red wall. The modern Labour Party is absolutely surrounded on all fronts by people who want it to lose for their own reasons, they pretend they don't but they do. My life will be better under Starmer's Labour than it will be under whatever grotesque tory leader was going to come next, maybe not materially at first, but at least emotionally or spiritually- for want of a better word, knowing not everything I see and read is gaslighting to cover up mass theft.
    13 points
  17. It's the lads who should be in jail for being a pair of fannies. Although that's what you'd expect of someone who wears a Gucci belt. When I was that age I used to dry hump a pillow while looking at pictures of Erika Eleniak, and these two got their weasels greased by a 30-year-old blonde strumpet. Boo fucking hoo, pair of noise cancelling headphone wearing tiktok twats. God bless you fanny, and God bless Robin Hood.
    13 points
  18. I'm largely ambivalent towards the England team now. I find the whole circus so impossible to relate to that it's not something I could "support", but as the sport has got progressively worse with every passing minute, it's no longer something to hate. I think bar a few individuals, the team itself isn't what is being hated. Declan Rice and John Stones aren't why people want England to lose. Nor is it the manager, who seems like a reasonably affable small town bank cashier. It is the dimwitted, jingoistic media, and the national anthem booing racist fans who think war and tragedy are themes for their "banter". The latter are a constant fucking embarrassment. Turn up in a foreign city, get violently drunk, trash the place, sing about death, and intimate women and children, all while dressed rather bizarrely as a 12th century knight. Presumably because that is how they really see themselves. Fighting a noble battle against people they are simply better than. That's why people dislike team Brexit.
    13 points
  19. There's a wonderful true story about Roger Moore meeting a young fan in Nice airport in 1983. Mark Haynes was seven years old when he recognized Moore as James Bond while travelling with his grandfather and asked if it was okay to get an autograph. "As charming as you'd expect, Roger asks my name and duly signs the back of my plane ticket, a fulsome note full of best wishes," remembers Mark. "I'm ecstatic, but as we head back to our seats, I glance down at the signature. It's hard to decipher it but it definitely doesn't say 'James Bond'. My grandad looks at it, half figures out it says 'Roger Moore' - I have absolutely no idea who that is, and my hearts sinks. "I tell my grandad he's signed it wrong, that he's put someone else's name - so my grandad heads back to Roger Moore, holding the ticket which he's only just signed. "I remember staying by our seats and my grandad saying: 'he says you've signed the wrong name. He says your name is James Bond.' Roger Moore's face crinkled up with realisation and he beckoned me over. When I was by his knee, he leant over, looked from side to side, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said to me, 'I have to sign my name as 'Roger Moore' because otherwise...Blofeld might find out I was here.' "He asked me not to tell anyone that I'd just seen James Bond, and he thanked me for keeping his secret. I went back to our seats, my nerves absolutely jangling with delight. My grandad asked me if he'd signed 'James Bond.' No, I said. I'd got it wrong. I was working with James Bond now." The story doesn't end there. It gets even better. Years later, as a scriptwriter, Mark had the opportunity to work with Moore again. "I was working as a scriptwriter on a recording that involved UNICEF, and Roger Moore was doing a piece to camera as an ambassador. He was completely lovely and while the cameramen were setting up, I told him in passing the story of when I met him in Nice Airport. He was happy to hear it, and he had a chuckle and said: 'Well, I don't remember but I'm glad you got to meet James Bond.' So that was lovely. "And then he did something so brilliant. After the filming, he walked past me in the corridor, heading out to his car - but as he got level, he paused, looked both ways, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said, 'Of course I remember our meeting in Nice. But I didn't say anything in there, because those cameramen - any one of them could be working for Blofeld.' "I was as delighted at 30 as I had been at 7. What a man. What a tremendous man."
    12 points
  20. People sticking the boot into this young lad’s aim are out of order. Yes, he’s missed, but he’s a 20 year old kid trying his first assassination. Instead of moaning all the time, let’s get behind him and show some support.
    12 points
  21. Another bastard freezing cold July day in fucking Yorkshire. This'll warm me up a bit. Quick & simple, bacon, black pudding, toasted English muffin and a couple of sunny side ups.
    12 points
  22. The problem with Gnasher is he isn't interested in a discussion, his views don't change with events. He's got a position. He ignores any evidence that doesn't fit his weltanschauung, then trawls the Internet to find something that does, then hammers the thread with it again and again and again. You could have, say, a hundred new Labour MPs who are absolute salt of the earth, running food banks or helping old people cross the road, and he'll still post about the one who once interned at citibank in the 1990s. The problem is that if he is making any salient points they're all being lost in the racket.
    12 points
  23. I don't know if I'm alone in this thinking. But the general standard of play in roof tournament, bar maybe Spain and Germany, has been fucking diabolical. I used to slate the African Cup of nations for nearly every game going to extra time. Now it seems the euros is no better. Easy for me to slag tmg English team off, with me being Irish, but England have been shite, not good, not "ok". They've been fucking shit. Yet somehow, they've made another semi final. The Netherlands, they've been either shit, or ok at best. France, have scored a goal from open play, yet like England, they've made another semi final. But they've been terrible. Spain are the only ones that are worthy of watching. Very poor tournament
    12 points
  24. Was my mam's funeral today. Finally lost her to dementia. She was barely a husk when she went. Cunt of a disease. Played YNWA at the end as she was a lifelong red (she stood on a box in the boys pen back in the day) and for fuck's sake, that song gets me at the best of times. If you're still lucky enough to have your mum with you, give her a hug when you see her. Mums are boss x
    11 points
  25. The Mrs went to Singapore via Dusselforf last year and I heard her telling her mate on the phone 'I went with that German Airline, Luftwaffe ,they were very good '
    11 points
  26. He’s taller then I expected.
    11 points
  27. The low turnout is indicative of the sorry state of British media. It is multi-layered. The television news has a lot to answer for, platforming the "appealing" figures of the right. The infiltration of Tory activists in top BBC jobs, and the stupidity of misinterpreting "balance". The print media are an absolute disgrace. Stepping outside and looking at the behaviour of the Mail, Express, Times, Telegraph and S*n - the language they use, the issues they refuse to cover, the behaviour they ignore - their ability to work tirelessly in support of conservatism, would give most people who support democracy the fear. The way social media has been manipulated for the past 8/9 years - the bot farms, the lies, the fake accounts - should mean that an overhaul and regulation is required. It can be done, it's just a matter of willingness. Somebody posted a Sky clip of a woman listing the appalling behaviour of the Tories and how it had personally affected her own life. She still voted tory. That isn't normal. The Mail et al will now switch from lying to their readership about how great their lives are under the Tories, to lying about about bad their lives now are under Labour. The Conservative governments of the past 14 years are amongst the very worst the country has ever had. The country, by so many metrics, is materially in the poorest state since Victorian times, yet people either still voted Tory, or refused to leave their homes to vote. The Labour Party are up against it every single day of their lives. The British media - broadcast, print and social media - are an absolute disgrace.
    11 points
  28. I’m taking my eldest to vote when he gets out of bed, probably around lunchtime. A dad and his lad doing their bit to… Fuck the Tories!
    11 points
  29. Not a picture but no video thread filminquirer_20240522_reel_3373552843188167887_1_3373552843188167887.mp4
    11 points
  30. It isn't a myth by any stretch of the imagination, several of my family members are stuck in the cycle, but neither is it a lifestyle choice, it a literally how little we can get away with giving the most disenfranchised, undervalued, unloved and demonised sub section of society before they realise their lives are utterly fucking shit. A bigger house is one with more damp and less furniture unless you get a private landlord whereby you need to walk a line so fucking thin that eviction is a serious anxiety every single day. More money means you can pay any one of the debt collectors you're paying a little more, or Cash Converters back for payday loans or pawn. 'Better' services at the job centre means you go to work for an agency that lay you off after a week, as there's no work this week which fucks up your housing benefit for weeks. More hours means you have to be careful you're not sanctioned or you'll lose your benefit, and possibly your job as the zero-hour contract is a fucking shackle that creates an uncertainty so profound that the noise in your head is only ever getting quieter as you become number and number. Medicated up to the eyeballs for a disorder which isn’t a disease, but is medicated as such. Limp, lost, inconsequential, scrapping for every last fucking thing to make life in any way bearable. It is fucking awful being at the bottom of the pile and 'they' give you just enough to make you think you're not and the 'other' cunts are so you don’t ask ‘why?’ Not a jab at you, Chris, just came out, but felt cathartic the more I typed.
    10 points
  31. Not the first time I've said this on here, but I'll say it again. If you think nothing happened when trump was last in, then you've not been watching. While trump was not prepared last time, and neither was the republican party because they all fucking hated him and thought he'd fail, the real damage he did was loading the SC with right wing extremists. Even now he's out of power, he is leaving lasting and devastating impact on the citizens of the USA - from abortion and IVF restrictions to the president is now above the law providing he says he was acting as president. He gave sweeping tax changes to the rich and despite his base being predominantly from poor areas, the gap between the rich and poor got bigger. Then to your point the country is run by civil servants. And don't the lunatic right in America know this. Go and take a look at Project 2025. That seeks to ensure many, many civil servants become political appointments amongst other things in that plan. There was a realisation the lack of planning with a dipshit president was lost 8 years ago, they're not letting that happen again. It's not hyperbole to say this could be the most important election in US history and if Trump gets power, there's is no doubt it'll be the most impactful to the lives of ordinary Americans and as a consequence because of USAs influence, the rest of the world.
    10 points
  32. Darwin attacking a drug cartel (I don't like to generalise but let's be honest here) with a bra on is the most Nunez thing I've ever seen.
    10 points
  33. That’s fucking horrible. Goes out to work with a wife and 2 daughters and by the time he gets home he’s got nothing. Absolutely horrendous
    10 points
  34. Fuck me, Lifey, he's only been in office since Thursday.
    10 points
  35. Dudek, Where's My Car?
    10 points
  36. Labour must investigate that murky period during Covid and be seen to do so as soon as possible, if the tories are found to be guilty of misuse of public funds or even fraud, then they’ll be done for a generation or more. If the Labour don’t and just go with the “country needs to move on” shite, then the “all as bad as each other” shouts are right. I’d be appointing Carol Vorderman as chief investigator.
    10 points
  37. *Don’t say it, don’t fucking say it…* ”IfearforthemIreallydo” *Bites fist*
    9 points
  38. We had an IVF consultation with a top consultant yesterday. Talked us through our options. One being an egg donor. He works with a clinic in Cyprus because there is a 2 year waiting list in the UK. They use eggs from Ukrainian and Russian women, always mid 20's, healthy with good jobs and they do a background check. My joke of "If she's fit we could knock a few quid off the procedure costs" didn't go down well at all. Neither has me suggesting we call a girl Emilychenko.
    9 points
  39. Called it. *pats self on back*
    9 points
  40. He'd have gone into battle with a shield in both hands.
    9 points

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