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About Pete

  • Birthday 02/01/1974

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    Wanting off Planet Earth ASAP
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  1. He's getting paid off the books in the morning! Paid off the books in theeeeee morning!
  2. Well they're (Media) certainly milking the "getting sacked in the morning " chant. Heaven forbid fans have sense or humour occasionally. I look forward to the debate about tragedy chanting on Wednesday night/Thursday morning . Oh, wait. Yeah...
  3. Really showing his true self these days. Nazi cunt.
  4. He's not really going to make America "great again" is he.
  5. You're talkig about drumopf right? How can anyone be shocked that this happened? Father (rightly or wrongly) pardons son as he can do.
  6. I still think VAR is basically a good system, just run by blithering idiots.
  7. 2-0 Liverpool. Gakpo & Salah (Pen). Any ideas why the City keeper wasn't sent off for giving away the penalty? Denied a goalscoring opportunity & no defender covering so was last man.
  8. And people wanted these cunts to win the league over FC115?
  9. There was a caller on 606 saying to get Mourinho in to rebuild the team, as he’s good at that.
  10. Just need Arsenal to have another blip and extend the lead over them to double figures.
  11. Fuck. Arsenal. Snidey, diving, play acting cunts.
  12. Someone needs to smash odourguard again so he’s out until April.
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