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  • AC Milan 1 Liverpool 3 (Sep 17 2024)

    Liverpool. AC Milan. Istanbul. Steven Gerrard geeing up the crowd. Penalties. Wobbly legs. Athens. Inzhagi. Not starting Crouch. Clive Tyldesley. Nat Phillips taking 6 players back to Argos in the San Siro. These all go hand in hand in hand when you think about Liverpool and AC Milan. Or at least, they do to me.   It’s a real game of football. No oil cheats, just two legitimate European heavyweights slugging it out in one of the world’s most recognisable stadiums.    Well, t

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    Match Reports 14
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  • Slot: I have full confidence in Darwin

    Arne Slot says that Darwin Nunez will get plenty of opportunities to display his talents this season.   To date, the Uruguayan striker has made four appearances totalling 85 minutes this season and against Ipswich he was an unused substitute.   Nunez’s midweek appearance against AC Milan was his 100th for the Reds where he has scored 33 goals in all competitions along with 16 assists.   There has been a prevailing view amongst the fanbase that this season his third

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    Alisson: As players we need to be listened to regarding issue of fixture congestion

    Alisson Becker is the latest figure in the game to speak out about the excessive fixture congestion of the football calendar   In his time as Reds Manager, Jurgen Klopp raised the topic when he felt it was right to highlight the plight of not just Liverpool players, but the wellbeing of Footballers in general.   The German came up with this profound statement in the lead-up to the 2022 World Cup which took place in the middle of the league season.   “When we start

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    Slot: Bond between fans and myself will come through performance of the team

    Arne Slot says that he hopes he will strike up a lasting relationship with Liverpool fans but he will go about things in a different way to his predecessor.   The Dutchman has made an efficient start in his first few months as manager both with results on the pitch and with the way he has handled the press pack and the overall impression he has given to the fanbase at large.   In a nutshell, he is grateful by what he has been left by an iconic figure and is respectful for wha

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  • Premier League Round Up (Dec 21-29 2023)

    There were a lot of reasons I was pissed off about us losing at home to Forest, and while most of them are related to us and the potentially huge implications a result like that could have on our season, I’ll be honest and admit that a big part of why I was pissed off is that it stopped me from enjoying what happened to Everton.   Even now, days later, I’m not getting any joy from what happened to them at Villa. Thankfully we’ve both played since then, and while we were winning in the

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    Round Ups 3

    AC Milan 1 Liverpool 3 (Sep 17 2024)

    Liverpool. AC Milan. Istanbul. Steven Gerrard geeing up the crowd. Penalties. Wobbly legs. Athens. Inzhagi. Not starting Crouch. Clive Tyldesley. Nat Phillips taking 6 players back to Argos in the San Siro. These all go hand in hand in hand when you think about Liverpool and AC Milan. Or at least, they do to me.   It’s a real game of football. No oil cheats, just two legitimate European heavyweights slugging it out in one of the world’s most recognisable stadiums.    Well, t

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    Match Reports 14

    Liverpool 0 Nottingham Forest 1 (Sep 14 2024)

    Ah well, it was great while it lasted wasn’t it? We'll always have August. Who knows what’s going to happen now though. Maybe it was a bad day at the office, or maybe this first chink in the armour will become a giant chasm once other teams see what Forest did and try to emulate it?   I’m not going to panic after one game but I’d be lying if I said this felt like just a regular defeat. There are some things that were really alarming and lessons need to be learned. By Slot, by the playe

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    Match Reports 24

    That was the Week that Was (Sep 9-14 2024)

    Monday Sep 9:   Kweev finally speaks honestly about his future. Usually he says nothing or he’s quite vague, but he’s clearly had enough now after the club signed Mamardashvilli and says he wants out. He also implied that he’s wanted out for a while but it hasn’t happened because we’ve turned down bids and have a high valuation of him. It didn’t come across as a complaint though (unlike Van den Berg) and was more of an observation. He didn’t seem bitter either, he just said the club ha

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    That Was the Week that Was 10

    That was the Week that Was (Sep 2-7 2024)

    Monday Sep 2:   Still basking in the glow of yesterday and soaking up all the content. As much as I’m loving the stuff about us, I can’t lie, the United meltdown is entertaining as fuck too. Some of them are so deluded it’s untrue. Non e more than Gary Neville who embarrassed himself yet again yesterday. Carra spent the entire afternoon either goading him or pulling all manner of faces as he listened to the absolute wham Neville was coming out with.   Any United fan still thi

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    That Was the Week that Was 7
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