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Bjornebye last won the day on November 25

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About Bjornebye

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    Judea (about tea-time)

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  1. And I can guarantee if the game went ahead and we won it would have been a conspiracy for the game to go ahead blah blah blah.
  2. Absolutely. If she was my mum I’d still ask her to bath me
  3. Well ones a religion and ones someone’s nationality. So there’s quite a difference. If I called say Natalie Portman a Yank Bitch it wouldn’t be anywhere near as offensive as if I called her a Jewish Bitch. For the record I love Natalie Portman it’s just an example.
  4. Has anyone ever called Netenyahu a Jewish cunt/dictator etc on here? Not sure they have. I’d be surprised if that phrase has been used. I could imagine the uproar if it was. A bit like being visibly more arsed about a picture (that was anti-Semitic) than what’s actually happening in real life, innocent lives being lost. Israel have attacked Gaza and slaughtered thousands of innocents. They’ve bombed civilians in Lebanon now they’re invading Syria. Can anyone defend that or are you just gonna go picking on the ones calling it out? Assad and Netanyahu are one and the same. Only difference is Assad fucked with his own people. Israel are fucking with other peoples. Both evil, both dictators. I don’t give a flying fuck what religion they are they both need to be arrested and charge with the highest possible charge for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  5. I reckon it will snap off in his hand by midday.
  6. She’s just posted this on her instagram. She really is boss isn’t she
  7. That’s Code not getting much work done for the rest of the day
  8. Theres a scene in a bar where an absolute workday goes over to Rip and he points at Beth and says “that’s my wife over there” or girlfriend whatever. Needless to say Beth ends up bottling her. I know which one I’d have left with and it wouldn’t have been Beth. You wouldn’t be able to sleep incase she woke up and put a blade next to your balls
  9. Anyone know if she’s advertising again?
  10. I’ve randomly thought this before and if I had to vote for a PM off here I landed on you. Might have to rethink that one now you Bombardier swigging ham joint.
  11. “Can I jump” on could lead to an awkward turn of events mate. Unless it’s a fit bird in which case alright Stacksy. I always say give us a shout when you’re nearly done on there please mate. It doesn’t really bother me what order I do things in. I really need to start going back more. Having weights and a small bench at home has made me lazy. I barely even touch them.
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