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Bjornebye last won the day on July 25

Bjornebye had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Judea (about tea-time)

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Nobody cares what you think. He was terrifyingly good at points.
  2. This. It was lovely. Those words can’t be sung or spoken badly.
  3. Knew they’d nicked Shergar and every cunt blamed the IRA Apologise now
  4. What the fucks going on now they’ve got boats on the road is that Mrs Claus?
  5. Aldgate had a better day on 7/7 than that fucking monstrosity. Don’t be bringing that back up here in your stomach you sicko I’m ringing the Rail Network
  6. We could have shared them …….
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