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Clem H Fandango

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Clem H Fandango last won the day on September 16

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About Clem H Fandango

  • Birthday 30/06/1975

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  1. James Sunderland lost his job after losing his seat, never suspended.
  2. A months worth of minimum wage would be fair.
  3. I would've thought the only cell you have seen is on an Excel spreadsheet?
  4. He's a bit thick really? Why would he meet the owner of West ham but have no intention of joining them or negotiate a deal. Seems a bit strange/cuntish to do that or he's a massive liar. Zero integrity by the looks of it, perfect for the mancs.
  5. More importantly, has he offered him a hotel room whilst he searches for permanent residence?
  6. Ah, well it has to be better than weird baldy in charge. I don't follow the cunts close enough to care when he starts...should i be worried?
  7. Ive got money on him to beat Chelsea. You always get that feelgood factor when a new manager comes in and players start playing again to protect their contracts. It wont last long though, there's a lot of shit/deadwood in that squad.
  8. And go! how long before his career is ruined? how much will we win by next fixture? Did we dodge a bullet?
  9. Just this one visible in winter. Summer the forearm jester is on show. Wedding finger i considered for some time. in my line of business it wasn't a good idea to wear jewellery.
  10. I made a remark on pop stars with face tattoos being bellends and my missus was having none of it. Her reply was 'they are pop stars they are allowed to, they dont have to worry about getting a real job'. I countered with 'it doesn't matter what you do, but if youre not aboriginal or such then a face tattoo just makes you look like a cunt'. Examples below.
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