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Reckoner last won the day on August 9 2022

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    pointing at dogs

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  1. Real Madrid superstar Jude Bellingham believed to be devastated as The Liverpool Way FF poster remains unconvinced of ability.
  2. The 80s was a difficult time. A hairier time. We made do.
  3. Bielsa and Freddy Quinne are right. Klopp’s been saying similar for years too but in a more restrained way. The game will die in its current format. Even worse next season.
  4. Sky saying it happened twice. The first game we complained. The next game it happened again, we complained and walked off. I’m proud of the players and the coaches who backed them. The only misunderstanding would be they thought it was acceptable and we didn’t.
  5. Cheers. Personally I’d never trust the clubs powerful PR and media connections over a kid. The club will be absolutely ruthless in protecting itself.
  6. Seriously though where did the ‘he’s a cunt’ shouts originate from?
  7. Apparently Erik Ten Hag has now spent €552m since he joined Manchester United 2 years ago.
  8. Southgate defended really well from corners, especially when it was England taking them.
  9. The acting is sensational. And the commentator blaming it on the pass he got! The pass was right to his feet, it was his dodgy first touch that meant he had to lunge in. All very bizarre.
  10. He taps him on the head after, what’s the issue? Games gone.
  11. Heitinga get out of my club.
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