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  1. Imagine the 3 extra points if Kelleher didnt throw the game against forest.
  2. Why you want the shirt from someone that didnt even play?
  3. If Jones would (for allot of the time) play the ball faster he will become a monster of a player.
  4. If gakpo had any left foot he would have scored straight away after they score. Empty goal from a bad pass from their keeper and a defender in no mans land, but he takes 4 touches with his right foot instead and nothing happens
  5. Its 1-1 and half the forum is in a meltdown haha. Get a grip people, still 45min to play and we have been much better second half in every other game this season.
  6. Aliens flying millions of years only to probe the anus of a cow ? Seems like a waste of time for everyone.
  7. This last page has been brilliant Haha
  8. Grim room? We see about 1 square meter of wallpaper ffs, is there gold around your sofa or something? Haha
  9. Unless your working in german porn and talking details.
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