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oo an 8 for me. Good romanian films coming out now. The abortion one out now is supposed to be fanstasticly morbid. 4 months . . .


Its weird - I liked the acting and the feeling the film gave me. I just kept thinking the thing should end asap.

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Juno - 7/10


Bit of a womans film, its watchable enough.

I saw the promo clip for that and it looks like the worst film ever made. My friends actually remarked on the utter disgust etched on my face as I watched some of the so called highlights. The joke set up routine was so tired and clichéd- supposedly witty banter with bouncy music in the the background, suddenly stops (like taking the needle of a record) to deliver a fucking god awful non-punchline. Example: The thing I love about you is when I'm around you, you aren't trying, your great being yourself. Him: Actually I'm trying really hard(!).Hahahahahahahaha....FUCK OFF!


I watched Lust, Caution- A subtitled film set in Shanghai/Hong Kong. I give it a 6 out of 10. Well directed, but no pace and a story that could have taken place over 45 minutes dragged out to 3 hours. Ace pointless gratuitous, laborious & gymnastic sex scenes with dramatic music playing in the background when sleazy porn-jazz seemed far more appropriate. The moral of the story was no matter how competent a woman spy seems, don't rely on her not to fall in love.

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Walk the Line - 9/10. Great film for anyone who has an interest in Johnny Cash. Joaquin Phoenix is about the only person who can pull off being the man in black and Reese Witherspoon made me change my opinion of her right the way around with this performance. The only problem with the film is it seems to drag on a little towards the end, but as it's a life story can we expect anything different? I'm not sure how the film would be viewed by people who aren't into Cash, but for me it is one of the best films I've seen in a while.

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The Bee Movie - 7/10 - described to me before I went as funny for the first 5 minutes, and thereafter charming. Which is about right. The only problem with kids films is that they allow bloody kids into the theatre, and you have to take at least one kid with you to stop yourself looking like a paedo.

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