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Jack the Sipper

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Jack the Sipper last won the day on November 5 2013

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  1. Labour haven't even been in power for 5 months yet. No-one has got any right to expect to feel better off right now after the way the Tories raped the country, and I can't believe that anyone who voted Labour in July knowing what the Tories did would be complaining already about not feeling better off and complaining about tax increases to start the process of righting the Tories negligence.
  2. Pound to a penny Gnasher's signed that petition at least 50 times under different aliases.
  3. Allie Hodgkins-Brown, the 'BBC Home & Foreign Duty Editor', retweeted this completely misleading Express headline, without seeing fit to add the context that Ben Kentish from LBC did. It's just not enough for the BBC to say, as they have, that they're just reporting what the papers are saying anymore, not when they've gone rogue, and not when the BBC itself runs a fact-checking service.
  4. When are the Tories doing their next fundraising auction? You could probably get Salmon en croute with Mel Stride for less than £25k.
  5. I saw that. For my part, I think CA is an ill-defined concept (as you seem to agree), divisive, exclusionary, and that it's bizarre to see liberals and people calling themselves progressives promoting it. I think its a backward, regressive idea.
  6. If they're being consistent, then yes. Why would it be right for a white person (or a black person for that matter) to say it's cultural appropriation (CA) and therefore wrong for a white girl to wear a hairstyle that isn't native to her culture (race), but not for that same white (or black) person to say the same about a black girl wearing a style that similarly isn't native to her culture? Even leaving aside the CA aspect, do you think it's right and acceptable that a white person should say to that same black girl that she shouldn't dye and straighten her hair because it feeds into the white ideal that you mentioned above? I'm just curious to know if you think black people are subject to the same rules re CA, and if white people should be allowed to bring them up or not.
  7. I know about other black people being against it, I was asking specifically about white liberals telling black women that they shouldn't be doing it because it's cultural appropriation (I mean, if they believe white people wearing braids or dreads is...). Or even because it plays into the white ideal view that Angry gives for why some black people are against it. If not, why not? Do white liberals not think it's cultural appropriation, or playing into the white ideal? Or, do they accept it's either or both of those things, but they don't think it's their place to intervene?
  8. White saviour complex, innit. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/533410/bob-geldof-hits-back-at-white-saviour-complex-claims-as-he-preps-for-life-wtf-shows
  9. 'Cultural-appropriation' is another one of those half-assed, ill-considered concepts that middle-class 'liberals' thought up over wine-fuelled dinner parties and never bothered to think through. True progressivism is about interaction, cultural exchange and mixing - the exact opposite of dividing, pigeon-holing and telling people they are this or that and shouldn't try to be or appropriate anything else. Besides, where does this ideology fit with the other current vogue among 'progressives' for self-identity and self-expression? And, as NV pointed out, who the fuck decides what belongs to one culture and not another? Also, is cultural appropriation a one way ticket? Are young black women being told by middle-aged white people not to straighten or dye their hair, or wear extensions?
  10. I'd say it's less of an echo chamber now than it was before Musk bought it. I remember in the run up to the 2019 election when the Twitter polls were asking who people were voting for, abd Labour were consistently on 70%+, with the Tories on less than 10%. I think it's heading towards being a right wing shit pit, and they're definitely more prominent and noisier than before (not hard considering it's now owned by a right wing megalomaniac who's allowing his people free run of the place) but we're not there yet.
  11. Kurtz/Willard/Hicks Technically, I guess I contested his contention that the majority of the media here are liberal left-leaning.
  12. He's a rich cunt, but not that rich.
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