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Arniepie last won the day on July 31

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  1. so he has done nothing wrong ,yet you imply lf is a nonce for pointing that out?
  2. imagine if every single messege you had ever sent to a girl was scrutinised?
  3. yep he messeged a girl who is 4 years younger than him and above the age of consent. should get rid now.
  4. a lot of the stuff is barely getting reported (such as the workers rights bill) more column inches have been devoted to a labour mp going to a taylor swift concert than when the tories used a pandemic to loot the country,to the tune of billions. and for some reason.he still thinks he can appease him.
  5. That frog faced cunt is basically our trump...a watered down version but still.
  6. Johnson allowed to spread his bolloks thar brexit saved lives, unchallenged by that prick ferrari. And appearing on ch 4 American election coverage for some reason
  7. the argument that you cant be a hate filled bigot because you arent white is rather flawed.
  8. if they cant put a dent in the crossings.that may scupper them but they are facing an incredibly hostile media.
  9. they have changed the pic now they showed his "disguise"..it was hilarous
  10. Disguised Sunderland GP admits attempted murder poisoning - BBC News
  11. its actually quite impressive how they get through day to day life. The navy have already said they wouldnt do that. it would be nice for at least 1 journalist to ask reform those question however.
  12. the media have whipped the bootlickers into a frenzy, and they are expecting the government to fall within days. there are obviously issues around the winter fuel payment but the budget will tell us a lot. in other new, anderson has called starmer a traitor over the chagos island issue.In a crowded field he may well be the densest MP we have ever had.
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