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  1. https://x.com/NickBraley1/status/1816938281919017411
  2. https://x.com/NickBraley1/status/1816808837606965559
  3. I don't know if because the Tories are so abhorrent, they don't feel they have try that hard? A flawed policy, if so.
  4. Take it everyone missed chloe on the chase before?
  5. https://x.com/jrc1921/status/1816725649991553294
  6. someone on twitter pointed out that in 89, the likes of anderson would have unequivocally backed south yorks police
  7. these proposed tax hikes are going to tell us a lot.
  8. Dunno if it's a twitter rumour but I read the Asian family were getting racially abused,and the police waded in and they retaliated. Bottom line is whatever happened,volleying a fella in the head whilst he is on the floor is wrong.And tasering someone who is just standing there is wrong. Like I said said it's yet another incident which shows just how much racism has become ingrained in our society If that was a white fella ,the reaction would be completely different.
  9. Considering they would also have decades of providing for that person, its not the brightest of moves
  10. The debate has gone in depressingly predictable turns. If the fella on the floor was white, the like Of Anderson and tice would be whinging about 2 tier policing again.
  11. Not banning.2nd media jobs Disappointing
  12. You think people purposefully have more children,just to get child support?
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