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Arniepie last won the day on July 31

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  1. maybe I just always associate the phrase unarmed with a gun. you can gouge someones eye out with an egg whisk,they wouldnt say they were armed.
  2. whilst a car can cause death and injury,surely unarmed means you arent carrying a gun?
  3. even something like the coaches. When they are at home they park all the way along priory rd. Presuming parking will be restricted around the ground..where exactly are they gonna go? I wonder how much planning has actually gone into this?
  4. usual meltown over the fat scruff who topped himself in prison. all he was doing was holding a sign.
  5. I drive past there everyday and I honestly cant see what how exactly they are going to regenerate that area. apart from the titantic and that boozer, its just warehouses and a few businesses on 1 side and the docks on the other.. There isn’t even loads of empty small places they can turn into boozers. The only possible option is that next rd up It may look good from the waterfront but behind it,there is nothing. And that’s a good half hour walk into town before you even get to the 1st boozer.
  6. the truest description of them,is that they define themselves by how much they hate us. If they came across a bloo who didnt hate liverpool,they would probally think he was a kopite
  7. the fact that osborne went from being chancellor to the editor of the daily standard tells you everything to need to know about the media in this country.
  8. King Charles' new carriage revealed as gold-covered creation prepared for Sydney tour - Mirror Online
  9. think its from a satire account mate the fact that people think its real says it all
  10. Just started ep 2..in a bit lost but I've got faith 1st series was boss
  11. Everyone else burns season 2 Really enjoyed the 1st but this was fucking awful One of the most annoying side characters ever 4/10
  12. cocaine pay £50 to feel a bit fidgety for about 20 mins shoite
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