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El Dangerous

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  1. Interesting tactics, getting our midfield to pass to the opposition thus drawing pressure creating space for us up the other end. I can already see Endo and Jones thriving under these tactics.
  2. I see Arsenal as a bit of a modern day (good) Benitez team. They strike good balance between defence and attack and can pretty much see a game out once in the ascendency.
  3. Same. Give me Klopp’s breathless relentless very best over any other style of football in the world but you can only imagine how draining both physically and mentally that is for the players. Couple that with the fact we rarely saw two shit shows in a row under Klopp bar a couple of bad seasons and you can appreciate how much he must have lifted the players. Like a super positive anti Mourinho who drains the players with his weird mind games that they eventually see through whilst Klopp found an authentic lasting way of doing it through pure energy and positivity. Fuck you Slot you’re not my real dad!
  4. I’m not surprised Curtis wasn’t a big fan of the rushed approach, the cunt holds on to the ball longer than Pickford protecting a 0-0 draw. I do like him though, he’s a bit like a modern day Danny Murphy, he’ll never be the main man in midfield but he’s worth his place in the squad. He seems to get a raw deal for some reason. I remember him breaking through and a woman I work with saying he thinks he’s better than he is when he’d barely had so much as a post match interview.
  5. I believe his full name is Rapeo Penaldo.
  6. Outside of their local rivals no one really gives a shit about Arsenal. They’re pretty successful historically but not much to show in years, they don’t really have a specific style or identity of football and even Everton can’t be arsed to Uncle Tom/hate them. Shit in Europe too.
  7. Sweet sweet comfort in the consistency of this.
  8. A little ditty for Mo, Virg and Trent this window.
  9. I can just imagine the sort of insight Rooney can add to young Danns development. “Use plenty of lube and make the most of the unlimited supply of hard boiled sweets they keep in their hand bags”
  10. Emile Smith Rowe isn’t very good and he’s a crock. I swear Arsenal have Freaky Friday’d us in the transfer market. Us with a group of ageing players running down their contracts losing our long time manager and them signing all the right players and making a killing on their shite.
  11. Who would we go for in a little game of Sell One, Keep One, Let the Cunt Run His Contract Down between Virg, Mo and Salah? Personally I’d tie down Trent, sell Mo and keep Virg although it’s not an easy choice and I could just as soon as keep Virg, sell Trent and let Mo run his contract down. I think we’re more likely to get a big fee for Mo and Virg is going to be pivotal this season with a new boss coming in and there being a big Dutch influence around the club. If we can solve the problem of having a world class creative midfielder at full back then he’s as valuable as he is unique and will bring in a shed load when he fucks off to Spain with his bum boy.
  12. I saw Grift Khan has us linked to Joao Gomes and whilst old Grift is full of shit I do think that Gomes seems the most likely midfield target given previous interest, who he plays for and how he’s come on in the last year. For all the talk of the club only wanting to go all in on a transformational no6 there’s something to be said for a highly functional ball winning midfielder who can let the other midfielders be a bit more progressive and that doesn’t necessarily have to be a £100m player.
  13. He’s called Trevoh for fucks sake. And for that reason I’m out.
  14. They say buying and selling players is Michael Edwards art and he’s about to colour in his masterpiece.
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