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  1. Glad to see you've returned to the anti Arsenal side of the forum after a brief sojourn into appreciation. Fuck that. I think I hate Arsenal more than the mancs and Everton put together.
  2. He's tweeting Ricky Gervais again about his Fox hunting screenplay. Think we may have to stage an intervention at this stage.
  3. Huge bobble off the turf in the area there. Need to get that hammered down with one of those hammering things.
  4. I think that balon d'or Ferdinand episode might be the worst thing in the history of the human race.
  5. Jesus wept, they've reeled out that fucking prize moron Rio Ferdinand. I don't think I've ever seen a more brain dead moron.
  6. It'll get done. There's no other conceivable outcome. End of.
  7. I've said it before but if I was hitched to his missus I'd be permanently injured and it wouldn't be me leg either.
  8. Eh, The Princess Bride with Andre the giant says hello.
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