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Sorry to hear about your loss, I can't begin to imagine what your going through.



Watched my Nan suffer for years with a variation of cancer 'Bird Watchers Disease' which she got from making fishing feathers for years.


It's horrible to watch someone you love and care for so deeply go to that disease. I have no idea how your feeling and I hope I never do in all honesty.


I sincerely hope that doesn't come across as distasteful.

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Sorry to hear of your loss.


My Dad is going through it right now, but it has got to the stage where they will not treat him anymore, only give painkilling drugs. He may not have needed them if the stupid foreign locum doctor had not fobbed off his lump as <<quote>> "a minor lump and nothing to worry about at all, it isn't cancer"

Bloody fighting them in court at moment

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Gutted for you mate.


My old dear had (has?) a rare form of skin cancer, she's had several ops and touch wood they think everything has been removed.


At 31 I'd be a lost kid without her, can't imagine what you are going through.


Thoughts with you and all your family mate.


Look after yourself.

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Sorry to hear of your loss.


My Dad is going through it right now, but it has got to the stage where they will not treat him anymore, only give painkilling drugs. He may not have needed them if the stupid foreign locum doctor had not fobbed off his lump as <<quote>> "a minor lump and nothing to worry about at all, it isn't cancer"

Bloody fighting them in court at moment

we had the same situation. mum had a shoulder and neck pain last aug, then she had a stroke. they sent her home without doing any tests. she was in agony for another 6 weeks before they decided to do tests after we pestered them, then they took another 8 weeks before they got round to deciding it was cancer which had spread from breast to shoulder bones to brain.thats a lot of time in which they could have been treating her.

it may sound heartless, but i hope it will be over for your dad soon. because the latter stages are appalling. I hope he doesnt have to suffer, because you will all suffer with him.

My thoughts are with you.

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It's a cunt.


When ever i see the word cancer, these are the words that follow in my head.


Watching someone suffering in that way is unbearable for everyone. My heart goes out to anyone that has suffered in any way through cancer.

the nurses at st davids hospice are angels. god bless them.


It's poor consolation,but at least you can be grateful that their suffering has ended. I know that doesn't help much.


I think that sums it, watching is something i still feel guilty over. I've promised myself never to do it again if at all possible, it's a trip to Switzerland.




My mum's husband passed away a fortnight ago to throat cancer, a reaction to the chemotherapy. My mother in law passed away last week to pancreatic cancer, she never recovered from the post operative complications. She'd been in hospital since the beginning of the year, every-time me and the kids visited you could see her deteriorating.



Cancer is indeed a massive cunt of an illness.




Condolences to you and your family. x

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sorry for your loss pal YNWA my missus lost her 11 year old brother over 2o years ago to throat cancer it was caught to late and after reviving him three times they let him go my missus said the family have never been the same since a gap that is always missing a horrible disease that would be fantastic if they founD A cure to.

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Cancer is a fucking vile disease. Sounds bizarre to say it about something that's often terminal, but it's not the fact that people die from it that's the worst thing about it; it's what it (and the fucking horrible treatment too, actually) does to them before they go that's so awful.


Lost one of my best mates to it eight years ago when he was 32. Probably the worst experience of my life was seeing him in the hospice near the end, physically and mentally ruined. He was a sporting and intellectual giant but he went out the exact opposite.


Another of my close mates has it now - spread from one of his plums to groin and lungs - and they spotted the cunt early, too. He's not 40 until August. Fucked up, thieving bastard, rip off of a disease.


Sincere condolences to all who've seen loved ones suffer from it and massive respect to those who've fought the bastard themselves. People always seem so brave when dealing with it whereas I reckon I'd be a shithouse, whingeing little tart.

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sorry for your loss pal YNWA my missus lost her 11 year old brother over 2o years ago to throat cancer it was caught to late and after reviving him three times they let him go my missus said the family have never been the same since a gap that is always missing a horrible disease that would be fantastic if they founD A cure to.
I read this and instantly thought of this song:


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I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.


A friend of mine found out his Dad has Lung Cancer around Christmas time last year. Since then my friend has run the London Marathon raising over £1600 in the process and we held a charity poker tournament last week which in turn raised another £260 for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.


We know its only a small drop in the ocean but hopefully it will go someway toward providing a cure against this wretched disease.


We'll be doing another charity game next Easter or maybe sooner. I've thought about asking Southport Mint Casino if they would donate their cardroom for a Saturday night as they don't have any tourneys on Saturdays.


If any of you are interested when I get it together, give me a shout on here and we'll take it from there. I think the next charity game will be in aid of the Macmillan Nurses.

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I never like to open these threads not because I don't want to pass on my condolences or well wishes but Cancer scares the shit out of me.


It's a fucked up, fucked up disease but I wish everyone the best with overcoming their previous/past experiences with it.


Hopefully in our lifetime a cure will be found or improved treatments for it that cause less discomfort for the individual directly affected and their family.

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One of my closest mates lost his Mum last month to cancer, she hid it from the family for over a year and he found out the day before she died. He thought she had a back problem and was bed ridden because of it.


The nurse visited the next day to check on her. He went in minutes later and she died "within six breaths" of her family around her.


Incredibly sad.

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Deepest sympathies to you and your family, its shocking seeing what this disease does to families. It turns everyones life upside down.


I've been battling cancer for 16 months now and the fucker will just not go away. Even if I do get rid of it the chances of it coming back at some stage are fairly high. It's the resillience of it that's so scary. Your in a constant limbo as you never know when it will return and how agressive it wiill be.


Like previous posters have said, its the way it literally destroys your body and you lose so much of a sense of who you are because you cant do a lot of the things you used to.


If a cure is ever found for this bastard it will be the greatest achievement mankind has ever made.

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My sympathies are with you. Cancer affects everyone in their lifetime. It is a term of many diseases which can greatly differ from each other, so there won't be a collective cure for it, unfortunately, as well as a means to avoid it. What we can hope for is steady progress on more effective treatments, but it takes a long time for a new method to be implemented, if it even gets to the point of being proven to be successful. It is extremely challenging.

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I finished writing my uelogy for mums funeral today. I know i am going to break down big time trying to read it out in church, i cant even read it out at home ffs.Really dreading it.


When my nan died in '99 I just had to read her eulogy, but strangely I took great comfort and no little strength from doing so.


Immediately following her death I happened to read the following passage (and it shook me and affected me deeply) but I also took incredible comfort from it :


Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way that you always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of a shadow on it.


Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval,somewhere very near, just round the corner.


All is well.


-- Henry Scott Holland


Regardless of peoples views on religion, that passge really galvanised my faith and has helped me greatly, and continues to do so.


I hope you find some peace, your peace, too Withnail mate.


All the best.

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The only good thing about cancer is that they give you shitloads of very strong narcotics*.The nurses are pretty fit and incredibly caring too. I luff zem.





*Then they abruptly stop them. Cancer is still a cunt.

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When my nan died in '99 I just had to read her eulogy, but strangely I took great comfort and no little strength from doing so.


Immediately following her death I happened to read the following passage (and it shook me and affected me deeply) but I also took incredible comfort from it :




Regardless of peoples views on religion, that passge really galvanised my faith and has helped me greatly, and continues to do so.


I hope you find some peace, your peace, too Withnail mate.


All the best.

That is a great passage mate. I may well tag that to my eulogy. thanks.
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  • 1 month later...

Found out earlier that my great mate of 24 years, Rick, died on Tuesday after battling with stomach cancer for a year aged forty fucking three. How shit.


My stressful week and the stressy little wankers I work with and the arrogant queuejumping cunts on the train home are all now firmly put into perspective.


Rick Edwards: All the best matey. Here's to the nights out, the drinks and the good times.

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