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That can help enormously.

When I had my op, I stuck a post-it note on my belly right where they were going to cut me. It was under the hospital gown so the surgeon wouldn't see it until I was on the table.

It read "Don't forget my doggy bag!".



I've already told her if she doesn't name me on her pension I'll bloody kill her.


There have also been lots of comments about the benefits or lack of, of bum love.

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Letter through today, she has to go back next week for a flexi-sigmoidoscopy.


I get to administer the enama though!

Take pics of the enema to blackmail her with later. Never let a chance go by.
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MRI and CT scans Monday and Thursday, they'll decide the treatment plan Tuesday the 9th.


Good luck to you both.


I was at The Christie last week with my mum, never felt so humble in my life.


I've lost my best mate and my favorite aunt to cancer recently, it's a life changing experience watching people you love waste away.


I really hope things work out for you both.

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