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Dr Nowt

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Dr Nowt last won the day on June 2 2023

Dr Nowt had the most liked content!

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  1. Big Donny is about to gobble her up like a well-done steak washed down with Diet Coke.
  2. Hold your fucking horses, pal. I’m not having that. Let’s start from the beginning. What did you say “teeth” are again, how do I reset my password for the 8th time this morning and where did I leave the Firestick controller?
  3. Didn’t even realise Harvey Price was scoring the fight.
  4. Taylor’s expending a lot more energy.
  5. The secret ingredient of spite. Wonderful.
  6. Michael Buffer’s afterbirth.
  7. AR-N-E S-L-O-T LFC‘s new Dutch baldy
  8. In hindsight, I think we should have waited until late to May to start our summer break.
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