....and a great afternoon it was! Kev visited today and we watched the Robbie Fowler vid! To say I was thrilled to bits could only be an understatement. My very own Robbie Fowler vid! We had lunch and Kev met some of the maddies who stalk the corridors of the hospice. Fortunately Kev missed .....THE FIEND!
About a week ago there was a new patient admitted. He was a largish lad, heavily tattooed and accompanied by his brother. The brother promptly proceeded to tell all and sundry that Sid (the new patient) had just been releases from prison after serving 26 years for a "Heinous crime".
A heinous crime drawing a sentence of more than 26 years has to be murder, and so it proved to be. At the age of 17, this creature had raped and murdered an 81 year old woman while on bail for armed robbery (!).Then he pulled an escape in 2001 and kidnapped and repeatedly raped another woman while at large. Eventually he was recaptured and discovered that he had cancer everywhere and where did the prison authorities send him?...they released him on parole to Sacred Heart Hospice!
This only lasted until the papers got hold of the story and he was sent back to the slot quick fucking smart and on the double.
But what cracked me up was the book. Kev had lent me a book about some Annie Road scallywags and their adventures around the sporting venues of Europe. I used to leave it on the veranda so I knew where it was when one day just after SID THE FIEND arrived, it disappeared. So I asked one of the nurses where it could have got too.
5 minutes later I had the book back in my hot little hands
Hahaha...the nurse had simply stolen it back..
I was prepared to just dismiss it as down to my absent mindedness when the very next day....the book vanished again. I told the same nurse about it and....5 minutes later it was returned again. This time the nurse told me who the culprit was and sure enough...SID THE FIEND!
He's probably sitting in his cell right now wondering where the fuck that fucking book is.hahaha.