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Watched my mother die in my arms today.

sooner they find a cure for this horrible bastard fucking disease the better.

Watching someone suffering in that way is unbearable for everyone. My heart goes out to anyone that has suffered in any way through cancer.

the nurses at st davids hospice are angels. god bless them.

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Fucking hell mate, for what it's worth from a stranger, you have my utmost sympathy. All my best to you and your family.


I've had two grandparents taken by cancer and saw my best mate's mum die with it after it came back three times. A truly heartbreaking disease and an ongoing battle which can consume people long before it takes them. I share your sentiments, the quicker it's cured the better.

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Watched my mother die in my arms today.

sooner they find a cure for this horrible bastard fucking disease the better.

Watching someone suffering in that way is unbearable for everyone. My heart goes out to anyone that has suffered in any way through cancer.

the nurses at st davids hospice are angels. god bless them.

My most sincere sympathy to you and your family for your loss. I held my mother's hand as she died from cancer,and my father also died from cancer. It's poor consolation,but at least you can be grateful that their suffering has ended. I know that doesn't help much.

As I've mentioned a couple of times before,I'm currently being treated for bowel cancer and starting my third stint of chemo,after previous chemo,radiotherapy and surgery. My onccologist tells me that my pathology results are "fantastic" and I was pretty fit when diagnosed,so I'm hopeful of being around for a while yet.

My admiration for the doctors and nurses and other staff looking after me is unbounded.They are surely the most saintly people I have ever met.

The Bitch has called it correctly...cancer is a cunt.

Edited by stevebaby
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I find it almost unbelievable that a cure for cancer hasn't been found yet. Almost to the point that a cure has been found, but the drug companies (for cancer 'treatment') have somehow managed to make sure that the cure hasn't been introduced yet, so that they can continue to make billions of pounds/dollars.


Sorry for your loss.

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Watched my mother die in my arms today.

sooner they find a cure for this horrible bastard fucking disease the better.

Watching someone suffering in that way is unbearable for everyone. My heart goes out to anyone that has suffered in any way through cancer.

the nurses at st davids hospice are angels. god bless them.


My heart goes out to you


I'm really sorry for your loss, I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling,



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Condolences mate, YNWA.


Lost my own mother the same way in 2001. Lung cancer, having lost a breast a couple of years previously. We thought she was beating it through chemo. But she had a bad reaction to some steroids the doc prescribed and ended up in hospital on a monday. We didnt think it was too serious. Went up to see her on the wednesday, had plans for the thursday so didnt go up but was planning to go up the friday night after work. She called me on the friday daytime and told me she wasn't feeling so good, so not to go up that night. Saturday morning she died.


Fuck cancer, the fucking bastard.

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I find it almost unbelievable that a cure for cancer hasn't been found yet. Almost to the point that a cure has been found, but the drug companies (for cancer 'treatment') have somehow managed to make sure that the cure hasn't been introduced yet, so that they can continue to make billions of pounds/dollars.


Sorry for your loss.

The problem with cancer is that there are so many different kinds of cancer and treatment is different for all of them.The type that I have is very curable in its early stages,less so as it advances and its a sneaky little cunt with no symptoms until it's almost too late. That's true for many other cancers too...my aunt had breast cancer 25 years ago and has had no problems since. My father had lung cancer which is very hard to treat.Only 20% of people diagnosed with lung cancer will be alive in 5 years after diagnosis.My dad had surgery and chemo but he only lasted a year.

I just saw an article about a young TV presenter here who felt a bit sick for a few days then was suddenly very sick for another couple of days and had to be admitted to hospital. He was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer which killed him 3 days after diagnosis.

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