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  1. So Sol killed Indara on Ueda while simultaneously training children in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant despite there being witnesses who can place him at the temple and witnesses who can positively identify Mae as Indara's murderer. So all the jedi who know that is bullshit just what carry on as if Sol never existed. Weird.
  2. Which is the temper tantrum thread? This one or the transfer thread.
  3. England fans are a fucking embarrassment literally every time they play. The evidence is overwhelming.
  4. I remember Phil Thompson spouting that shit in the Footie Echo. Ironic given what happened.
  5. It's like someone surgically transferred Jack Nicholson's Joker smile onto Roberto Firmino's face then used a paint roller and a tin of Dulux Matte Black Emulsion on his head.
  6. A few things POMO is alive and well in this country. To be honest it never went away. Well I say a few but that's it really.
  7. Absolutely fucking made up. Couldn't happen to a more deserving collection of utter shit.
  8. What an asinine comment. You can't criticise now? Episode 3 was atrocious and this is just episode 3 with a few extra scenes. Even the revelations about what happened were underwhelming. Rashomon this is not.
  9. How in Christ's name has The Acolyte actually been made? They've literally just reused episode 3 in episode 7. It's absolutely terrible.
  10. The fact that Lammy is in office sums up not only Labour's dearth of talent but UK politics as a whole.
  11. I would have brought the death penalty back for the likes of Mone & the Tories partying.
  12. No. They'll go through some turmoil then they'll find someone remotely electable. Labour will find some way to fuck themselves up because they always do, the press will return to type and they'll get back in again. Unless there is electoral reform this shitshow will go on forever. A choice between Tory or acceptable levels of non Toryness for it to be palatable for the super wealthy.
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