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This kind of news has given us all a big slap in the face and realise how insignificant some of our problems are, I mean no man wants to go through the nightmare of marraige...

All the best to yourself and your future Mrs, mate. I honestly dread to think what it must be like for you now, I've seen the illness take my mother in law. Stay as strong as you can and spoil that woman as much as you can.

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Getting married is a brilliant thing to do - well done.


The other thing to consider is any clinical trials where novel drugs or treatments are being considered. Christies do loads, surely there are other centres. You could end up on the placebo, but in most cases trials are set up so that where the drug appears to be working the placebo cases are reallocated to the test drug fairly quickly. Obviously nobody should go into something like this expecting a cure, it's about quantity of quality of life, but strange things can and do happen. Just a thought.

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Getting married is a brilliant thing to do - well done.


The other thing to consider is any clinical trials where novel drugs or treatments are being considered. Christies do loads, surely there are other centres. You could end up on the placebo, but in most cases trials are set up so that where the drug appears to be working the placebo cases are reallocated to the test drug fairly quickly. Obviously nobody should go into something like this expecting a cure, it's about quantity of quality of life, but strange things can and do happen. Just a thought.



Cheers T&B, unfortunately there are no drug trials. The cancer of the bowel, vagina and womb could/can be treated. The way it has spread through the lymph nodes into the body and where it is means there is nothing they can do.


She has a PET scan in 3 weeks which will show how far in the body it has spread. If it's only locally then they'll treat the bowel, womb and vagina and we could have a few years.


If it has spread around the body then Carly wants quality of life and won't have chemo, she doesn't want to be ill for the time left she has.

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Too early in the morning for sick humour?


Not at all.


I feel bad now but having got this far I might as well blunder on...but recalling our conversation on Sunday about my memory for personal information.....that's that pension taken care of. Is that too awful to say?

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Guest Pistonbroke
Although may feel like I've bee fucked by a horse when I get back from my bike ride!


Quick edit before posting there....predictive text had me being sucked by the horse! Ouch!



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Although may feel like I've bee fucked by a horse when I get back from my bike ride!


Quick edit before posting there....predictive text had me being sucked by the horse! Ouch!

You know the rule...

Pics definitely required here!

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This calls for a LF wedding thread, one where we get to put some classic GF suggestions forward for the big day?



Go for it, the more creative the better.


We are not having a sit down meal as Carly wouldn't even be able to eat it and it would make the day too long for her.


But suggestions would be a great help, so far I've come up with pick and mix and jelly and ice cream.

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